Young, But Not Yet Infinite

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Note: This is from a young child's perspective, do not be super critical about the grammar, I wrote it like this for a reason....

About 22 years before the "Incident" at Aqua Road, nearly 23 years before Sonic Forces

Infinite- Age 6

Not a lot of kids my age are already thinking about death.

But I am.

It's been about two years since Mommy and Daddy threw me outta their den, abandoning me. Ever since then, death's been on my fluffy tail. I has a squad now, so I'm probably gonna survive... hopefullys. 


 I suddenly went rolling as a mysterious form jumped on me. The form brought its face close to mine: Amara the Jackal, one of the members of my new squad, a whole year younger than me, but still very strong. 

"Ha! Pinned Ya!" 

I yipped in annoyance. "Mara!" 

She giggled and playfully slapped me in the face before jumping off to do the exact same thing with Hunter, who was about my age. The two snarled playfully and hit each other with their paws, not their claws like the grown-ups did. They bit each others ears and tumbled, each struggling to stay on top of the other.

 Trying to increase my strength, I decided to challenge Remy, another young jackal from my squad, a whole year older than me, to a duel. I hit him first to challenge him and he stood next to me. I realized why he was in my squad. 

He was a big jackal.

 Thankfully, we were young, and he had no desire to beat me up. When I realized he wasn't going to, I shoved him over and bit his ear, he rolled over on top of me. I grunted and squealed, trying to regain the ability to breathe as he rolled off of me; knowing he had won the duel. I stood up and brushed myself off. I snarled at Remy, he quickly looked at me, causing me to flinch, and he smirked. "Hmph." I grumbled, annoyed at my actions.

 "Did I beat you up too hard?" Remy replied, following me, his feet padding next to my stomping feet.

"No." Remy continued following me with enthusiasm that I had lost when my parents abandoned me. 

"Then what wrong?"

 "I'm supposed to be the leader of this squad, but I'm not any stronger than any of you guys!" I nearly yelled at him, fighting back tears, tears of weakness.

"Aww, you'll get stronger." He consoled, pretending to be swiping his claws at something in front of him. As I walked back to my squad with Remy, I looked at how far I had come, I had survived this long and so had the rest of the squad, and now that we were a squad, are chances of survival were a lot greater.....

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