Chapter 2: Anti-Venom the Anti Hero

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Yang's POV:
I couldn't believe what I just saw, my stepbrother turned into that thing, or did that thing cover my stepbrother. I was staying here with Carol and she started waking up, "My head, what happened?" she asked, "Carol, my brother... Something's happened to Daniel." I said with tears in my eyes, "What happened?" she asked, "Something covered his body and it sounded like there was two voices, one was my brother and the other I didn't recognize." I said as I hugged her scared for my brother. "It'll be alright." Carol said as she got up and a few agents that work for S.H.I.E.L.D. showed up and took me to a safe place while Carol finds Daniel.

Carol's POV:
I was running through the building and found evidence of a fight and the men that went down seem to be members of COBRA. I noticed some of their armor was missing and some of their weapons as well. I then heard screaming and ran over to find a creature of white and black fighting the COBRA members. "Freeze, who are you?" I asked as I raised my fist, "BEHIND YOU!" it shouted as it launched a tendril behind me and slammed a COBRA solider into the wall. The thing walked over to me and stopped in front of me, "You seem to be better." It said and I could tell it was a man's voice, "Who are you?" I asked. He looked like he was shocked for a moment, "You really can't tell who I am, Carol?" he asked, and I was shocked he knew my name. Then I realized who he was, "Daniel?" I asked, "Not just Daniel, we are Anti-Venom." He said with another voice as well. "What happened to you?" I asked, before he could answer he pushed me into the wall and a rocket flew past us, "That was a close one. Anti, you never told me you had an early warning system." Daniel said to himself, "Who's Anti?" I asked as I blasted two COBRA soldiers and we made our way to the lab, "He's the symbiote I'm wearing right now. He cured my lung cancer." Daniel said as he created an MK16 and shot a few guys in non-lethal places and we made it to the lab, "What exactly is a symbiote?" I asked, "Beat's me, all he told me was that they're an alien race that needs a host to survive on planets with O2 environments." Daniel said as he looked around the corner and saw two soldiers with Doc Connors. "We'll finish this later. Right now, we have work to do." Daniel said as he made two handguns and ran towards the COBRA soldiers and shot them in the arms and legs, "Doc you alright?" he asked, "Yes, who are you?" he asked, "Call us, Anti-Venom." Daniel said as Anti's voice spoke with Daniel's voice.

Daniel's POV:
We got Doc to a secure location as we waited for some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to arrive, "How did these people find us?" I asked, "Not sure, COBRA has been on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar for years, long before I joined up. But it makes no sense, how did they know we were here?" Carol wondered and then Anti told me to get Carol away from the door, "GET DOWN!" I shouted as I grabbed Carol and Doc and created a shield to block the bullets being shot at us. "Keep your guard up men. This creature is what we are looking for. Just as our partner said, it has a host that we can use to our advantage." The leader of the men said as I lowered the shield and saw that they had Yang, I glared at them, "Now then, will you surrender. If you do, I will release the girl to you. But where are my manners, I am Cobra leader of COBRA. That's Combat Occult Believers Reginal Assault." Cobra said and I tightened my fist, "How about this instead." I said as I created multiple tendrils and grabbed Yang and started choking the enemy. "We won't let innocent lives be harmed by your hands." Anti and I said in unison. I placed Yang behind me with Carol and Doc and created my MK16 and cocked it and aimed at the enemy, "Any last words?" I asked angry that they were going to harm my stepsister. "That's enough, stop this exercise at once." Fury said as he walked in and the guys, I had in my tendrils changed into robots, "What the hell?" I asked as I let go of them, "Seems like we were right. Now then, Anti-Venom, where is Daniel Draco?" Fury asked, "Like we'd tell you. Daniel was right, you can't trust S.H.I.E.L.D." I said and looked at Carol and saw the look in her eyes, it was the look of surprise and anger, "What the hell Fury? Why did you do this?" she asked angrily. "It was a test to see if Daniel had any powers, like his mother, Mina." Fury said. That's what got my attention and I grabbed Fury by the collar and lifted him up, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?!" I shouted and glared at Fury. He smirked and I saw the gun in his hand, "A sonic disruptor? Please, we are not like other symbiotes. We have no weakness. Now answer us, what did you mean that Daniel's mother had powers?" Anti-Venom asked.

CAPTAIN MARVEL X OC AGENT ANTI-VENOM (On Hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang