Chapter 1: The meteorite and The Symbiote

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Daniel's POV:
I watched as Carol flew off to help people when Yang walked over to me, "Hey, where's Carol?" she asked, "She had an emergency with her family. By the way, I know what you did." I said. Yang deadpanned and started running, "I REGRET NOTHING!" she yelled as I just shook my head and watched as Doc Connors walked over, "She messed with your friend?" he asked, "What tipped you off?" I asked rhetorically. The news was reporting the meteor that crashed landed in Central Park and that S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers were on site. "Those are real heroes." Doc said, "If they were heroes, where were they when the accident happened five years ago?" I asked and walked outside, I then noticed a bag on my bike and a card with it, I opened the card, and it was from Carol. "Some people say that if you write a letter to a lost loved one, they are will always be with you. Sincerely, Carol Danvers." I read as I pulled out a notebook with Carol's superhero symbol on it, I smirked and opened it up. I noticed a note inside the notebook and read it as well. "Always believe in the good in people. Never lose hope in a better tomorrow. -Carol" I read, and I finally smiled. I put the card and the notebook into the storage compartment of my bike and put on my helmet and played some music. I drove to Central Park and made sure to have my I.D. to get past security and some S.H.I.E.L.D. goons. Once I made my way to the crash site, I found Carol talking to someone. She turned and saw me, she walked over and kept it professional, "Sir, I have to ask you to leave." She said, "I'm a scientist working with Doc Connors, I think I can help out try to find out why this meteor crashed here." I said. Suddenly, a red and gold armored man landed and walked over to us, "You work with Doctor Curtis Connors. He might be useful, follow me." Ironman said as he and Carol led me to the big crater, and I saw the meteorite still smoking. "Still burning up even after entering the Earth's atmosphere." I said and took some pictures to show Doc.

Carol's POV:
'He's good with this. I might be able to convince Fury to let Doc Connors and his team take a look at the meteor.' I thought, "Captain Marvel, you were the first one on scene, what was the meteor's speed?" Daniel asked, "About ninety miles an hour when it entered the city, I used my powers to slow it down enough to cause minimum damage." I said and Daniel took notes and he took more pictures. "We can get you a containment suit to get a closer look." I said, he nodded and Mr. Stark had a science member give Daniel a containment suit. He and I walked down to the meteor when the meteor shifted a bit. "Probably just cooling off and parts of it seem to be turning into dust." Daniel said as he took a small hammer and tapped the meteor a few times, "Not normal space rock, that's for sure." Daniel said. I then contacted Fury to get approval to have the meteor examined by Doc Connors, which he agreed to as long as I was there. "Director Fury has given approval for you and Doctor Connors to examine the meteorite." I said, "Thanks, I'll let Doc know. He's going to be excited about a new project." Daniel said as he took a few samples of the meteorite and then gasped, "Damn it!" he shouted, "You alright?" I asked. "The suit got caught on a sharp piece of the meteor and cut right through the suit and gave me a slight gash on my arm." Daniel said as I saw his arm bleeding a little bit. "Let's get you checked out." I said as we left the area. Little did we know that something was moving inside the meteorite.

???'s POV:
'This blood, my perfect host has been found. Daniel Draco, age: 21, orphan, parents killed by drunk driver nine years ago. He is like us; he will be the perfect host for us.' We thought as we waited for the meteorite to be taken to Doctor Connors lab. 'Soon Daniel, you will be bonded to us, and we will be known as Anti-Venom.' We thought to ourselves as we absorbed the blood from our perfect host to stay alive long enough to bond with Daniel.

Daniel's POV:
Once my arm was cleaned up and bandaged, I called Doc and told him that we were going to examine the meteorite. Once that was done, I felt pain in my chest and took out my medicine. "Damn, almost out." I said as I took one and swallowed. I put the case away and walked over to a man in a black trench coat. "Excuse me, who do I talk to about transporting the meteorite?" I asked, "That would be me." He said as he turned around to be revealed as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury. 

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