By Your Side (11)

Start from the beginning

"I doubt that a little tap was going to do anything."

Jaden looked at her seriously. "Georgie, I'm not about to take any chances, okay? Now I check on a daily basis so I know that I don't have canker sores, bleeding gums or any other mouth problems, but that toothbrush has traveled all around my mouth and it made me uneasy to see yours leaning against it. Perhaps I shouldn't have thrown your toothbrush away, but I rather be too cautious than not cautious enough." Smiling, she lightly pinched the smaller woman's cheek. "I'll buy you a new one in the morning. There's a store close by."

"Well...since I got rid of yours I'll buy you one too."

"Could I have some dental floss too? I'm almost out."

Georgie shook her head. "Don't push it." They both laughed.

"Sweetheart?" the agent started as she started to amble out of the bathroom.

"Uh, yes, darling?"

Realizing what she was about to say, Georgie questioned if she was losing her mind. "Have you checked on the kids yet?" Stopping at the entrance, she turned around to look at Jaden.

"Kids?" Slowly refolding her towel, Jaden looked puzzled. However, she caught on--at least she thought she might have--before her friend could respond. "Oh, right the kids!" The smile returning, she nodded. "Silly me for drawing a blank about the kids. I must be whipped." She faked a yawn.

"Or birched," Georgie interjected, trying to sound innocent.

Though she blushed again, Jaden didn't comment. "Anyway, I checked on them a few minutes ago and all three of them are fast asleep. The baby still held her pacifier in her mouth."

"Aaaw, that's so cute."

Jaden neatly put her towel back on the shower stall. "She's a cutie just like her mother." She winked at Georgie, delighted when she blushed. Joining her out in the hallway, she turned off the bathroom light. "Are you ready for bed, darling?"

You have no idea... "Yep...sure am." Wondering just how far the brunette would be willing to take their role-play, Georgie extended her hand to be taken. And after Jaden quietly deliberated for a few seconds, taken it was.

Each woman inwardly questioning what the other was thinking, they headed toward Jaden's bedroom. The covers already pulled back, they chose a side, Georgie on the right and Jaden to her left. Reaching up toward the bedside lamp, the musician cloaked them in darkness. Neither wishing to invade the others space, they remained on their sides with a fair amount of distance between them.

Although she could barely discern it, Jaden stared up toward the ceiling as she lay on her back. "Goodnight, G."

On her side facing the other woman, Georgie smiled. "Goodnight, J."

"Sometimes people call me that as a nickname."

Her eyes already beginning to droop, the agent released a genuine yawn. "If you were to write that down, would it be spelled with just the letter J?"


Ten seconds passed before Georgie responded, "I see. Take out the D and the N."

Jaden was now staring at the insides of her eyelids. "That's right."

"I had a lot of fun today, Jae."

"Me too, G. Me too."

Nothing more was said as they drifted off to sleep. Within the next half hour, a small part of Georgie's fantasy was turned into nonfiction as their unconscious bodies scooted toward each other. They unknowingly snuggled until the following morning.

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