The Beginning

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I sighed as I walked in the door of my apartment. Freedom at last. Work was so boring, painfully boring. Thank god it's over though. I heard the sounds of my Golden Retriever puppy barking as he ran over, happy to finally see me after those painful boring hours.

"Oh Goldie, who's a good boy?.. Yes you are. You're a good puppy!" I cooed as I pushed the door shut with my foot, smiling as I watched Goldie spin around in circles. He always did that when he was happy. "Hmm.. I bet you're hungry.. How about we get you some dinner? How does that sound?" When I received a bark, I knew he was hungry.

After I would feed Goldie and refill his water bowl, I decided to take a shower. But, before I could get my comfortable clothing and towel-


"ugH now what?" I grumbled as I went to pick up the phone. I answered it, only to hear my friend Stacy.

"Y/N!- h e y- We should go to the mall together!"

I rolled my eyes lightly.. All I wanted was to relax after work.. "I don't know.."

"oH come on- it'll be fun!.. Please?"

I thought for a moment before sighing.. I couldn't sadden my friend. "..Fine.."

"YAY- Okay- see you when you get here."

Then the phone call stopped. "Damn.." I muttered silently.I'd then go get changed into some nicer clothing. I'd then say bye to Goldie before I left to head to the mall to meet up with Stacy.. She's going to be the death of me.

"Is relaxing Illegal now?.."

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