Charicter Information!

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Yay- another chapter where you all don't give two flying fucks-

Maybe it will keep you all here if I say- I brought g i f s-

Main Charicters:



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Antisepticeye (one of Jack's/Sean's egos):

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Antisepticeye (one of Jack's/Sean's egos):

(aha Glitch Bitch is so nice, isn't he? He just wants you

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(aha Glitch Bitch is so nice, isn't he? He just wants you...happy. :3 )

Darkipler(also an ego-) :

Darkipler(also an ego-) :

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Side Charicters:

Stacy, she's blonde, really goofy and childish. She isn't much in the story.

Goldie, He's the golden retreiver puppy that loves you so so much and could never live without you owo uwu adorableness being thrown at you.

Goldie, He's the golden retreiver puppy that loves you so so much and could never live without you owo uwu adorableness being thrown at you

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That's basically it. Other than that I'm making some cameos in this, yes, me the author. If you can find all my cameos I make in this, I'll write you a short story of anything you choose.  PM me is you find one, okay, Bo comments, don't do that to others so they can have a chance.

The Theme Song of this book is Killer In The Mirror. It's the song above.

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