Chapter Fifty Eight: Look Alive, Sunshine

Start from the beginning

"Cole, Patrick-" Pete's voice is direct and immediate now, and I know he's here. At the exact same time, Sing by My Chemical Romance is starting. "Guys,"

"Shh," Patrick shushes him, and I have to hold back a smile.

"Is she sleeping?" Pete says, and I can hear him walking closer to us before he's crouching down in front of me.

"Just fell asleep." Patrick lies, and I can feel him absentmindedly stroking my hair. "What's up?"

"Radio Edge; we gotta go." Pete says. Patrick nods his head before tapping the top of my own head, basically telling me that I should pretend to wake up now. I let my eyes flutter open slightly before shutting them and reopening them. I cover my mouth and yawn, squinting and turning my head and burying it into Patrick's side.

"What?" I groan, and Pete chuckles.

"We gotta go, baby sis."


"A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it." Patrick sings, strumming his black acoustic guitar one last time. Patrick is playing this small little radio gig outside, and a couple fans, maybe thirty, are watching and cheering. Patrick smiles, picking up his hat and adjusting it over his hair, holding onto his guitar with one hand. Andy is sitting at the back with me, Anna, Kate, and Brendon, and Kate is now trying to play Truth or Dare with us- a milder version, of course.

"Andy, just pick one." Kate says in exasperation, and Andy sighs, a smile on his face nonetheless.

"I don't know, dare?" He says in that adorable voice of his.

"I dare you to... go on stage and kiss Patrick." Kate smiles. I gasp mockingly, a hand over my heart.

"What?" I exhale.

"He's in a committed relationship- I just don't have it in me to be a home wrecker." Andy teases me, knocking his shoulder into mine jokingly.

"No, no, you gotta do what you gotta do." I say, the back of my hand over my forehead. "I bid you well, my vegan princess. Aim for the cheek, I beg of you." Andy laughs at me before getting up to his feet and making his way into the room Patrick and the other radio hosts are in. Anna holds a hand over her mouth to stifle her giggles, and I'm beet red watching Andy come up to the unsuspecting Patrick.

Andy swoops in just as Patrick is readjusting his hat for the billionth time, Patrick's arm knocking into Andy's face. But Andy doesn't let that disrupt his mission. He presses his lips to Patrick's cheek, and Patrick is so caught off guard, we're doubling over in laughter. After Andy comes back, we play a few more rounds, going around the circle. Finally, it's my turn and it's up to Anna to choose my fate.

"Truth or Dare?" She asks me. I shrug my shoulders and tap my chin, feigning deep thought and inner struggle.

"Daaaaarreee..." I drag out the word.

"I dare you to go out there and start belting out the lyrics to Breaking Free from High School Musical when Patrick finishes singing." Anna says, and Brendon snorts. I sigh and chuckle, getting to my feet and psyching myself up for embarrassing myself in front of people and cameras. When the time comes and Patrick finishes Young Volcanoes, I begin.

"We're soaring, flying! There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach!" I begin, and the others are laughing so hard at me. Patrick turns around and bursts out into laughter. "If we're trying. So we're breaking free."

"You know the world can see us in a way that's different than who we are." Patrick belts Troy's part back in mock passion.

"Creating space between us till we're separate hearts!" I sing, and Patrick motions for me to come to him.

"But your faith, it gives me strength. Strength to believe." We sing softly, stifling laughter.

"We're breaking free!" Patrick strums his guitar and then knocks his knuckles onto the wood of the acoustic.

"Soarin'!" I sing.

"Flyin'!" He shoots back.

"There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach!" We sing together.

"We're trying!" Patrick sings.

"But we're breaking free!" We can only manage a few more lines before we're cracking up. Patrick takes my hand and pulls me over to him before I can escape, making me sit in his lap and hold his guitar over my own.

"That was quite the feat." The radio host chuckles at us. "Now, Patrick, can you tell us who this lovely young lady is?"

"This lovely little jukebox is my girlfriend, Cole Wentz. Yeah, yeah, Pete's sister." He laughs, and the fans outside are laughing at that. "I guess you could say that she's the Gabriella to my Troy."

"Oh, come on." I begin. "You and I both know that I suck at math. You can't compare me to a mathematician." I tease him, and he laughs, pressing his lips to my cheek.

"I can just tell you two are so cute together." The other host says, and I laugh lightly at that.

"What happened to that other black haired girl you were with, Patrick?" The rude looking female host begins, smacking her gum. I almost flinch at the mention of Elisa Yao.

"We broke up." He replies shortly.

"For that?" She asks.

"I hope you aren't referring to my girlfriend as an object, because she has pronouns for a reason, and that isn't one of them." Patrick says.

"Why'd you break up with the other girl? She was much... better."

"Is it any of your business?" Patrick sasses. "Oh, my, was I being rude?"

"Carrie," The other host hisses, potentially saving the girl from saying anything else that could make her lose her job or anger the both of us.

"Well, Patrick, go on and work that voice. My work here is done." I say, getting up to my feet and passing him his black acoustic guitar back. I smile at him before turning and heading back to the back, red faced because I know that Overcast Kids and YoungBloods are going to be spreading this and dubbing it as that time Patrick slayed the rude interviewer.



I think this book is going to be over in a few more chapters, and I'm still unsure of making a sequel or a whole new FOB book. A sequel might feel repetitive and boring... which would you rather have? New plot and new OC with a better storyline or what?

Thank you guys so far for everything!

-Stay Classy, Young Volcanoes/My Speakers


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