Blazing Amber

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She knew she was going to pee, but where? The chair? Too leathery.
Rory walked in with a gun and pointed it at karin
"if you pee on that, karin- i swear to god i'll-"
"No please! The fate of both of us depends on it!"
"What? Karin! Stop preing on things! My house is soaked!"
"But They'll claim it for their own!!" Karin crumpled to the ground, sobbing.
"Seriously! Karin! You need to stop! Im soaked! The sinks and bathtub are full! How are you doing this??"
Karin peed in her position which was sitting. Slowly, the room filled up.
Rory fired too late. He fired but the pee (up to the ceiling fan now) slowed down the bullet so it was like super slow and didnt even reach her.
Pee-breathing fish entered and karen could breathe under there too. So could rory. Karin had given him her powers.
"Wkat th fuuu? He tried to scream but gurgled a bit because he was now breathing urine.
Karen just stared and smiled. Her eyes bagan to glow bright amber. (Pee color)
The room lit up.
Everything was silent and white.

They teleported to an dark empty void.
Rory coughed and sputtered, "what did you do?! Where are we?!"
A metal sound clicked. Karen had pulled a light string. The void was now white and endless. Rory was totally freaking. But Karin knew what to do.
She peed. Like she never did before because obviously to fill an endless void that takes a lot of effort. She filled it within a minute. This tike she did not grant rory powers. He swam around like an idiot.
Before long this void was like a urine void instead of a nothing void.
Karin started to get board so she linked arms with rory (now unconscious and drowned) and teleported to the ocaen.
She was hovering over the pacific now. A whale she saw! No. A bird.
Rory woke up and choked and stuff. He was being carried by karin who was hovering over the pacific and holding him.
He couldn't speak from shock but mostly
She said, "do not worry" i will take all the water for conversion"
"Karin... please... " rory was defeated and begging because he did not like so much urine from karin.
She steadied herself, then INHALED!
Until every fish was like wheres my water bruh
It was all in her. Then she smiled at rory who she was holding with her arm.
ShE Waited like an hour there
Then she RELEASED THE WATER FROM her butt!!! (Girls dont pee from their vaginas like boys)
The uraine gushed out and karin moaned. It wasn't sexual.
Rory moaned too but out of fear and probably jealousy karin thought.
The ocean was slowly turning from ugly blue to brilliant ocre. The smell was intoxicating and toxic because it was urine. Within twenty minutes it filked up because c'mon its the ocean it would take a while.
Now the water shined like when its sunset time but it wasn't. it was noon.
Karin did an urain dance in midair. She was finally gonna show them how boss she was at peeing on the all of the earth. She was summoning them! They were coming!!!!! Coming!!
She saw their ship. Rory woke up from a defeated dissociative trance because of the aliens getting out of their floating ship...

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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