1. Dear diary

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Chapter track
Notes to self- Gavin Luke

November 4, 2011

Yet another day of misery has ended. Surprisingly, I made it without banging my head against a wall or something.
I'm kind of sick of writing this. What should I write anyway? Nothing's new. Every day is the same. The same bright sky in the morning which reminds me that I'm still not dead. The same school that reminds me that I don't belong there and I'm simply wasting my bloody time and the money my parents earn by happily avoiding me all their lives.

I don't really understand the concept of keeping a journal when all I'm doing is repeating my fucking useless life in these fine innocent blank sheets. What's the point of recording all these endless complaints anyway? It's not like it's turning my life into a bed of roses.

I'm exhausted.

Nikhil was ready for bed after finally finishing his daily ritual under the yellow radiation of the low lying table lamp. He turned off the light, letting only the computer screen to gloomily illuminate the dark environment with its blue light and the low humming sound of electricity running through it in the silent empty room.

He moved towards the PC gliding through his wheelchair and closed all the running windows before he moved the mouse to turn off the machine. But just when he was a second away from clicking the shutdown icon-he was surprised by the sound of bling and the red and white appearance of the first digit above the blue logo of Facebook.


The message request appeared which automatically made Nikhil's brow rise in suspicion.

A message from a stranger wouldn't be as surprising as from the most popular girl in school-Miss Aahana Mukhia.

Nikhil: Hey

Aahana: I hope I'm not disturbing you at this hour

Nikhil: No, you aren't. Didn't have much to do anyway

Aahana: Oh, okay. So, I've seen you at school

Nikhil: Well, I've seen you too. But, hey, can I ask you a question?

Aahana: Sure

Nikhil: Okay, so let me get this straight— we've never even exchanged glances to each other, let alone the talking stuff. So, it makes me wonder why you would be interested in chatting with me

Aahana: I don't have a proper answer to your question. I just wanted to talk to someone right now and I recognized you when I saw your profile on my 'people you may know' list, so I wondered if we could have a decent conversation or something. But it's okay if you don't want to

Nikhil: No, no... I didn't mean that. I'm sorry if I was rude

Aahana: No, it's okay. So, had your dinner?

Nikhil: Yup. You?

Aahana: Nah!! Just lost my appetite

Nikhil: And why is that?

Aahana: A bit sad... I miss my mum

He scratched the back of his head, finding no words to write after that statement.

Nikhil: Oh... okay...

Aahana: She's dead. It's been more than 2 years now but it's still so hard to accept that I won't be able see her again.

Nikhil: I'm so sorry.

Aahana: Don't be.

Nikhil: What about your dad?

Aahana: He's broken, literally. He's changed so much ever since

Nikhil: At least you have each other

Aahana: Since the incident, we are like strangers. He barely talks to me and ignores me all the time. I'm starting to think that he hates me

Nikhil: How can he hate you? You are his only family, right? Maybe he's avoiding you because he still hasn't recovered from the shock? You said he's broken, isn't he? He might have his reasons. Give him some time.

Aahana: Yeah, maybe. But it's just so hard sometimes you know?

Nikhil: I can truly understand your situation. But all we can do is hope for the things to get better, we can't fight with our fate after all.

Aahana: Yeah, that's true. You know I don't share my insecurities with anyone else. It's just so hard to trust, but I don't know why I'm talking to you like this when I barely know you

Nikhil: It's alright. Your secrets are safe with me. You won't regret

Aahana: I'd like to believe that .... Anyway, it was a pleasure talking to you. I hope I didn't overwhelm you with my nonsense

Nikhil: No, it was nice talking to you as well

Aahana: Thanks. So goodnight, I would love to chat with you again sometimes

Nikhil: Me too. Goodnight

Soon after the conversation, the notification icon blinked along with the red sign—notifying a friend request from 'Aahana Mukhia' which made his lips curl up into a small smile.


A/N: So what do you think?

You can find Aahana and Nikhil in my other book Something Like gravity: Trustfall. I hope you'll fall in love with them as I do.

I'm always eager to know your opinions. Help me♡♡

Happy reading.

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