Chapter 1

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As the accident reoccurs in my head I jolted awake. I began I cry as Elena rush into my room. "Hey it's ok "she quietly said as she sat on my bed hugging me rubbing my back as I buried my head in her shoulder l slowly calm down and she said "come on let's get you ready for school" she opened my closet and picked out a white shirt and black skirt.

 "Hey it's ok "she quietly said as she sat on my bed hugging me rubbing my back as I buried my head in her shoulder l slowly calm down and she said "come on let's get you ready for school" she opened my closet and picked out a white shirt and blac...

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(Isabella's outfit)

She helped me put on my clothes and carried me down stairs. Aunt jenna said "good morning " Elena said "hey Aunt jenna " and I just waved because since the accident I haven't said a word. I climb down off elena and go to the fridge and pull out a bottle of juice, I walk over to the bench and put it down then I go and get a cup from the cupboard. I climb onto a chair and pour myself some juice, I go to put the juice away but trip and hit my head on the side of the bench, Jenna quickly bend down and picks me up as I start crying and holding my head , Elena says "OMG are you ok" and Jenna says "let me see" she puts me on the bench and I remove my hands and Jerr walks in saying "hey what happened "as I'm still crying while Aunt Jenna looks at my and says "your ok there's no blood "she takes me off the bench ,I stop crying and run and hug Jeremy's legs he picks me up a says "who is taking bella to daycare today" Elena replies and says " Bonnie and I are taking her on our the way to school " then jenna says "I'm forgetting something " and Elena says " don't you have that big presentation today " and Jenna says "OMG and I've got to be there now" as she is about to leave she says "lunch money" and Elena says "I'm ok" then Jenna says "anyone need a number 2 pencil"and Elena says" go your going to be late" Jenna walks to the to door kisses me goodbye and leaves.A couple of minutes later Bonnie knocks on the door ,Elena opens the door and I instantly know Bonnie is here and start running towards the door and hug Bonnie's legs and then make grabby hand as she picks me up and hugs me,she says "Hi bella" as I continue hugging her. She passes me to Elena and Elena puts me in the car. Bonnie starts the car and is telling Elena about how here grams is says she a witch and how she's physic.I zone out until a bird hits the windscreen , I get really scared and scream ever still the accident I've been scared of cars ,Bonnie stops the car and Elena turns around to see me curled into a ball crying, she climb in the backseat and hugs me rubbing my back then says "shhh it's ok I'm here deep breaths " I continue crying the rest of the car Trip. We arrive at daycare and I was still crying I refused to let go of Elena as I clung to her neck , She says " come on bella you've got to let go, I'm going to be late for school" but I refuse to let go and after ten minutes of trying the teacher says to take me home. Elena says "come on let's go" as we walk outside we get in Bonnie's car and Bonnie asks what happened ?? And Elena says I wouldn't let go of her  then Bonnie says "so are you going home " Elena says "I can't we have a big test today and I can't miss it" ,Bonnie looks at Elena and says" you can't take her to school " then Elena replies with "I'm going to have to try Jenna's at work and they have said to stop bring bella to work or she'll be fired and there's no one home" as they pulled into school. Elena looks at me as I'm still crying and clinging to her shirt ,she says "your lucky your cute" as she picks me up and get out of the car, she turned to Bonnie and says "I'm going to the office to see if they'll let bella stay with me" Bonnie says "ok I'm going to go find caroline " as Elena and I head the to office i see Matt but he doesn't see us when we arrive at the office Elena tells the people in office what happened and they say that it's fine and give her a note. I had now calmed down and had my arms loosely around Elena's neck and my head on her shoulder as we started walking to Elena's locker and then to find Bonnie and caroline before the bell rang.

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