Chapter 9

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I tucked my head in klaus shoulder and held on to his shirt for dear life. Until Rebekah came over and took me from Klaus at first I held on to his shirt but when I realised in was Rebekah I let go and put my arms around her neck as she put me on her hip. She say Kol isn't going to hurt you he just wants to says hi I nod and she walk over to Kol and sits on the lounge putting me on her lap. Kol says hi and I wave shyly the Rebekah says why don't we watch a movie, she grabs the remote and puts on netflix. She puts on the secret life pets and my eyes are glued to the screen she get up and say I'll be back soon l nod and she kiss me on the head then leaves. Its been an hour and I'm starting to get cold and sleepy so I slide over to kol who has a blanket and says in cold he smiles then lifts up the blanket, I crawl in and sit on his lap and put my head on his chest. After another 20 minutes I start to feel really sleepy and eyes are fluttering open and shut until the darkness finally takes me. I start have a nightmare about damon trying to killing me and killed Rebekah and Elijah, I jolt awake and start crying suddenly everyone is in my room and I trying to find out what's wrong. Rebekah comes over and I hug her not wanting to let go I keep say he kill her under my breath. Soon my cry turns into sobs and Elijah asks what's wrong I say I had a nightmare then he asks what was it about I say damon was try to kill me and he killed you and Rebekah. Then Klaus says hey don't worry he can't kill us he doesn't know how then Kol says its 2am we should probably go back to bed and Rebekah says come on Bella let's go back to bed. We say goodnight to everyone and go to Rebekah's room we get in bed but I can't sleep and Rebekah say are you ok are you still scared I nod the she says how about I tell you a story I say ok and she tells me a story about 6 siblings and how the youngest got killed by a wolf and their mother turned into vampires to keep them safe and to stop them from dying and I slowly drift to sleep. I feel something is ticking my face so I roll over then hit something and i feel the thing tickle my ear so cover them with my hands then I hear someone laughing and Rebekah saying leave her alone kol, she's tired then kol say I guess she doesn't want to help me make pancakes. I roll over look at him and grin then say but can you carry me he say of course your highness then I jump on him and he speeds down stairs and I say that was so fast how did you do that. Kol look at me then yells KLAUS REBEKAH and they speed onto the kitchen klaus looks at him and asks what wrong, kol says you haven't told her then Rebekah say told her what. I sit looking really confused and kol say what we are, Rebekah say no she does need to know yet and we can control ourselves then kol says you know I can't, if she hurts or cuts herself and I see her blood shes as good as dead. I stare wide eyed and klaus says then be really careful around her he nods and we make pancakes.

(Time skip)

It's now dak outside and are were all going to the grill for dinner. We arrive and we sit in a booth I sit in the middle of kol and Rebekah, there talking about some one called finn but I zone out until someone waves there hand in front of my face and Rebekah say what would you like i say the chicken nuggets and fries. They go back to talking, I look around the grill and I see Elena and stefan sitting at a table then I see her look at me, she stands up and walks over. Then say hi Isabella then Rebekah says what do you want doplbitch and kol say language. Then Elena says well I thought I would give you some of Bella's stuff and tell you some stuff about her come to my house after you finish your food Rebekah agrees and we eat our food and go. We get to my old house and klaus knocks on the door and we hear Elena say coming, she open the door and say come in. She walk them up to my old room and hands the boys box's full of books, toys and clothes and they take them outside the Rebekah says what do I need to know about her and Elena say well her full name is Isabella Rose Gilbert, she is 4 and I zone out looking out the window. I feel someone pick me up and I try to get away and Rebekah say it's only me were going home, I wrap my arm around her neck and we walk down stairs and Elena says I almost forgot she is due for her shots too. I look at her fear in my eyes and whimper into Rebekah's shoulder and Rebekah say we will get that sorted and walks out the door to the car. She climbs in sits next to me, puts me in my seat and buckles me in and we start our drive home. I slowly close my eye and pretend to be asleep so I can still hear them then Klaus say what did Elena have to say and Rebekah says her full name, age stuff like that and that she due for her shots. Kol then say we don't need to do that she has our blood, then Elijah say she is a child and still human I think it's best she does and klaus say I agree with Elijah and rebekah says I agree with kol no kid likes shots and she doesn't really need them, Then I open my eyes as we pull in the driveway. When the car stops Rebekah undoes my seatbelt, I go straight to kol and hold on to his shirt for dear life refusing to let go he holds on to me and gets out of the car, we walk in the house and klaus trys taking me from kol but kol say brother stop she doesn't want to let go then he asks what's wrong,I say Elijah and klaus are mean I don't want to go near them,I don't trust them. Kol say well looks like she heard our conversation in the car and she doesn't trust you anymore, I see rebekah walking over. She takes me from kol and say do you trust me little one I nod laying my head on rebekah's shoulder and my arm around her neck. She say time for bed and I say can I sleep with you tonight she look at me and say not tonight I have some business to take care of.Then Kol say you can sleep with me,I look at him and say really he nods and I jump into his arm. We speed up stairs to my room and Kol puts me in my pyjamas then we speed to his room and he puts me in his bed then say just let me get changed. He come back and slips in bed I put my head on his chest and he puts his arm around me and says goodnight Isabella and I fall into darkness.

(Isabella's pyjamas)

(Isabella's pyjamas)

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