Ch. 33 "That Dress" WARNING SMUT!!

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Taylor POV

Me being extremely tired was an understatement, right now I'm in Wanda's room, apparently Tony was having a party for some fundraiser thing,

So right now Wanda is rampaging through her closet looking for a dress for me,

"Oh this one is perfect!" She said handing it to me,

I looked at it then looked at her,

"Trust me," She said smirking

I sighed walking into the bathroom, and tried on the dress,

I sighed walking into the bathroom, and tried on the dress,

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I walked out,

"I don't know about this Wanda," I said

"You look great Taylor trust me," She said smiling at me,

"Hey guys-" Natasha walked in with a tight Red dress on,

"Taylor you look amazing in that dress," She said

"Really? because I feel uncomfortable," I said

They both chuckled,

"Here let me do your hair," Nat said sitting me down,

"Here let me do your hair," Nat said sitting me down,

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(Her hair)

"Is this really necessary?" I asked

"Of course," Wanda said smiling

After a bunch of hair pulling later

The three of us walked out, we see Sam and Bucky at the bar with a bunch of blondes surrounding them,

Tony and Pepper were dancing,

Thor and Steve were drinking so drink out of a flask that Thor brought,

I felt out of place here,

Nat saw me stiffen,

"Just breathe Taylor, Nat whispered

I exhaled,

Nat and Wanda somehow disappeared, As I was standing here Me and Pietro made eye contact, next thing I know He was in front of me,

Avengers the beast withinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora