Ch.21 "Letting go"

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Taylor POV

I've been in this new facility what seems like months but truthfully I'm not sure how long it has been, my mind has been fuzzy, I can hear them talking about preparing, who they think is gonna win,

"Don't worry we got this," My beast said

"I hope so," I thought,

"What was the promise I made you, years ago," My beast said

"That you'll always protect me no matter what," I thought,

"Yes, and that still won't change," My beast said

"Thank you," I thought

"I will always be here with you don't ever forget that," My beast said

"I won't," I thought

then the door to my cell opened, with the scientist I've grown to hate so much,

"I want you to turn into a wolf now," He said

there were some men behind him so I knew I couldn't escape,

I focused and turned into my wolf,

"Good girl, I knew you would see it my way," He said kneeling down to my level,

I bared my teeth, what was strange is that it didn't hurt transforming and it was quick,

then in a quick motion he put some kind of collar device on my neck,

I lunged at him taking a chunk out of his arm,

He yelled in pain, holding his arm,

"This is so you can't turn back, at least until I say so," He said

Bucky POV

I paced back and forth, as Tony and the rest of them were trying to figure out where Taylor could be,

"It's been two months where could they have taken her!" I said

"That's what were trying to figure out," Tony said

"Why did they move her is the question," Steve said

"None of this is making sense," Clint said

"Guys you're not gonna believe this!" Natasha said walking in with the twins,

"What is it?" Tony said

"We were out trying to find any info on the HYDRA facility that went packing," Pietro said

"When we came across a man handing out flyers," Wanda said

"Okay get to the point," I said

"How about we show you so you can see for yourself," Natasha said

I looked at the flyer,

It said

"One night fight, tiger against experiment 0," My eyes widened

"This is what HYDRA used to call Taylor," I said

"Exactly, they are putting her against other experiments," Wanda said

"And now we know when and were to find her," I said

Taylor POV

I'm no longer myself anymore, they've been placing me in fights against other experiments, it a fight to the death every day and night,

I now have so much blood on my hands the lives I've taken, I'm stuck in my wolf form,it's getting harder and harder to contain my beast, I feel like she's moments from taking over, I thought,

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