Ch. 36 "Good or Bad News"

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                                                     Taylor POV 

I'm sitting on the edge of the bed not believing what Bruce just told me, I was paralyzed by the news, 

How could I let this happen, how? how could I be so stupid? 

I made him promise not to say anything until I figure this out, 

"Do not be scared this is a good thing," My beast said 

"How could this be a good thing? do you know what our enemies could do to us if they find out?" I said out loud, 

"But Pietro will protect us, not to mention the avengers," My beast said 

"How?" I said 

"How they always have, do you not realize they know how to calm me down when I am mad and if they can do that they can do anything," My beast said 

I smiled at how my beast is trying to calm me down and succeeding by the way, 

"How am I going to tell Bucky?" I said 

"How indeed," My beast said 

"And Pietro," I said letting out a sigh, 

"We will find away," I beast said 

I stood up, 

"I guess this does explain why you've been so happy lately," I mumbled 

"How could I not!" My beast said 

I walked out of the lab to see Pietro looking at me with worried eyes, 

"Is everything alright?" He asked concerned 

"Come on lets talk," I said taking his hand, 

I felt my heart hammering against my chest, 

"Calm down everything will be fine, Pietro would never abandon you," My beast said 

We both sat down on my bed in my room, 

"Is everything okay princess, you've got me worried," He said looking at me concerned 

"Pietro there is no easy way for me to say this," I said 

"Please tell me you are not breaking up with me," He said worried 

I smiled at him and shook my head no, 

"Oh thank goodness I don't think I would be able to handle that," He said smiling 

I smiled 

"Whatever is worrying you princess you can tell me," He said taking my hand

"Pietro... i'm pregnant," I said looking down

He didn't say anything neither of us did, 

I looked up at him and he looked stunned 

Avengers the beast withinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora