Ch. 16 "Dying"

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                                                     Bucky POV

Taylor collapsed I caught her before she hit the ground, 

"Taylor!" I yelled shaking her, 

"We need to get her medical attention!" Steve said 

I nodded picking her up and we ran to the Lab where Bruce is normally at, 

"Bruce! we need help!," I yelled with Taylor in my arms 

"Lay her on the table quickly," He said him and Tony looked concerned 

"What happened?" Tony asked 

"I don't know one minute we were talking to her the next she started having a coughing fit and collapsed," I said in a panic

they hook her up to some machines, 

"Her vitals are extremely low," Bruce said 

"Blood pressure dropping," Tony said 

"Fever spiking," Bruce said 

"Help her please!" I said 

"Boys out we need to work," Tony said pushing me and Steve out 

I paced back and forth, 

"Bucky she's gonna be fine she's a fighter," Steve said leaning against the wall, 

"But she shouldn't have to go through this!" I said as I paced 

"What's going on?" Wanda and Pietro walked up to us 

I looked in the lab with sad eyes 

They see Taylor, 

"What happened!" Pietro said in a panic 

                                          Taylor POV

I hear noises, I thought my heavy eyelids flutter open, 

I see Tony and Bruce outside the Room with Bucky, Steve and Wanda, I see Pietro to my right, 

"She lives," He said with a smile 

I smile weakly at him 

                                              Bucky POV

Tony and Bruce are talking to me Steve and Wanda, 

"What are you saying?" Steve said 

"What I'm saying is her body is shutting it's self down," Tony said 

"How?! she has accelerating healing!" I said 

They look at each other, 

"We don't know," Bruce said 

"Were gonna have to run more tests," Tony said 

We nodded, 

Pietro pokes his head out, 

"Guys she's up," He said 

We walked in and I could tell something was wrong, she was pale, sweaty 

                                        Taylor POV

I see Tony, Bruce, Bucky, Steve and Wanda walk in, 

"Hey Taylor how are you feeling?" Bruce asked 

"I'm fine," I said weakly 

"I'm tired," I said 

Bruce nodded, 

"Taylor, when did you're symptoms start?" Tony asked 

I looked at my fingers, 

"Taylor..." Bucky said sternly, 

"A few weeks I mumbled," They all look at me in shock, 

"Why didn't you say anything?" Steve said crossing his arms 

I just shrug, 

Bucky looks at me sternly 

"I...," I started to say

But then I started having a coughing fit, leaning over the side of the bed the beeping from the monitors going haywire, I started wheezing, 

"Taylor!" Bucky said in a panic

"I'm okay," I said 

Tony was staring at me like he seen something, 

"Is there something you wanna tell us kid?" Tony said crossing his arms like he's giving me a chance before he says something, 

I pout my bottom lip, and shake my head, 

"N-no..." I said 

Tony walks over to me pulling the collar of my shirt down revealing my new necklace not, I thought 

"What the hell is that?!" Pietro said 

I looked away, 

"Now lets try that again," Tony said 

"Who did this to you?" Bruce said 

"I can't say, or I will be back on the street again," I mumbled 

They looked at me then Bucky got a gleam in his eyes and stormed out, Steve followed, 

"Let me see this," Tony said looking at the collar, 

"Don't tou-" I began to say but it was too late 

a painful current of electricity coursed through my body, causing me to scream in agony, 

I was shaking, from the ordeal, I felt someone's hand hold mine their fingers lace with mine, I see Pietro, I lay my head weakly down on the pillow, 

                                             Bucky POV 

I stormed out of the room, Steve followed me, 

"What is it?" Steve asked 

"It's Fury it has to be who else would do this then threaten her if she tells she's gone!," I said angry 

"Guys," Tony said 

"What is it?" Steve asked 

"Bottom line, that collar is killing her, Think about it, it's been weeks since she's transformed her healing isn't working, that Collar is suppressing her abilities which means it's killing her," Tony said 

That's when I got mad and stormed off, 

"Where are you going?" Steve yelled 

"To talk to Fury," I said beyond mad

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