Ch. 22 "Fight"

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                                                       Beast POV

The Tiger charged me, I charged him I grab him by the throat with my jaws, His powerful jaws chomped down on my left side earning a yelp from me, I let go of his throat, running circles around him making him dizzy and tired from trying to catch me, I jumped on his back biting him in the back of his neck, causing him to roar in pain, he started to jolt trying to get me off his back, I used my claws digging into his skin making him roar louder, I could hear the crowd cheer and yell, 

He jolted me that I flew off his back he was now on top of me his claws caught me across my chest, I yelped in pain, 

But him being on top of me exposed his neck, I opened my jaws as wide as I could clamping down as hard as I could, 

He started struggling because I was cutting off his source of oxygen, I stood up on all four paws still holding on until he collapsed to the ground I didn't let go though I was gonna make sure he was dead, 

Finally I let go of his throat, I put my front paw on top of the Tiger's body and let out a alpha like howl, 

the crowd stopped cheering, I charged and jumped over the barriers, Barring my teeth Growing, I was covered in cuts and blood and I was not happy, 

the crowd scattered as I ran I took down everyone and anyone who got in my way, 

I ran into the forest, Leaving corpses in my wake, 

after what seemed like hours I came to a cold and damp cave to rest, I was losing blood, 

I laid down, in the dark cave resting my head between my paws, My eyelids becoming heavy, 

                                                Bucky POV

we watched in horror as Taylor and the Tiger fought, I almost jumped in a few times Tony and Steve had to hold me back, 

But then she killed it, after wards she let out a loud and angry howl, all the cheering and clapping stopped, she charged towards the crowd jumping over the wooded barrier, taking down anyone in her path, 

"Taylor!" I yelled 

I see her run into the forest, and I run after her, 

I hear Steve and Pietro and others behind me, But I didn't care I needed to help her she's hurt, and even she's in her wolf form I know she's not herself, I thought 

The tracks finally stop outside of a cave, I put my finger to my lips and point inside the cave everyone nodded, 

                                                  Beast POV

I am woken up by footsteps, I slowly stand on all four paws, I limped out of the cave growing, at them, 

It was Bucky, Pietro, Wanda, Steve and Tony,

How the heck did they find me? I thought

I kept baring my teeth,and growling, 

"Taylor easy," Bucky said 

He was kneeling in front of me, 

"Let's get this off okay," He said referring to the collar, 

His hands made their way around the back of my neck unhooking the collar it fell to the ground with a thud, 

I felt Taylor gaining control and I let her I was too weak, 

                                    Taylor POV

I felt myself transforming back to human, 

I looked weakly at Bucky, 

"Buck...." Then everything went black 

                         Third Person POV

After the collar fell off Taylor and she turned human, she looked at Bucky confused, 

"Buck..." Then she collapsed 

But Pietro was quick to catch her, 

"We need to get her to banner fast," Tony said 

"One it," Pietro said and zoomed off with her in his arms

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