Seventh Night: Beware of the Hater's Disguise

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"He who hates, disguises it with his lips, and lays up deceit within himself. When he speaks kindly, do not believe him, for there are seven abominations in his heart. Though his hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness will be revealed before the assembly."
- Proverbs 26:24-26



People can hate in their hearts but speak pleasant words with their mouths. There are people who can speak wonderfully, praising them and, ultimately, worshipping them but their feelings and their support in private was wholly different. It has to do with hypocrisy, deceitfulness and guile; they are full of wickedness.

Most people do not speak openly about their hatred. Sometimes they kept them in their hearts because exposing their hate will immediately show them in a negative light. Oftentimes these people whom they hate are actually the people they needed and, to expose such hatred, they might lose these people. Therefore, they tend to disguise it with, according to the word of God, their lips.

We see that in every teledramas. Someone will graciously speak about their enemies in front of the public, all of those done for the sake of appearance only. The whole time that he was speaking kindly, he speaks deceit, criticism and everything opposite to kindness inside his heart.

It is absolutely true in real life. We were warned to beware of and to become this kind of person. We were warned to be discerning of what's really in our/their hearts. The seven abominations mentioned in the proverbs may be the seven things God absolutely despises (Proverbs 6:16-19): (1) A proud look; (2) A lying tongue; (3) Hands that shed innocent blood; (4) A heart that devises wicked plans; (5) Feet that are swift in running to evil; (6) A false witness who speaks lies; (7) One who sows discord among brethren.

Do not become a person like this. Do not be someone who speaks hypocritically of another. Refrain from saying positive and kind things about these people all the while holding hatred and wicked, abominable thoughts and plans in your heart. Do not let your spirits live in a harmful way.

Do not hope that you will not be exposed in the end for God sees what's in your heart. Your hypocrisy and your falsehood will be revealed in time. You will either be exposed in front of the people or you will be exposed in front of God in the Judgment Days.

Put your hope in the Lord. That He will be gracious to you and lead you to forgiveness, truth and love. Speak in truth - and if it is a harsh truth - speak it in love. Be a true friend - an honest one - and one who is the same whether seen and unseen.



Dear God, help me become an honest person of both conscience and deeds. Deliver me from the abominations that You so hated and protect me from evil. Remind me of the character in Your Son, Jesus Christ's likeness. Amen.

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