Tenth Night: Can God Really Do the Impossible?

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"With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."
- Matthew 19:26



What if you're living by faith and yet you don't see God's promise to you fulfilled in your lifetime? Can you dare to believe he will still keep his promise, even if you don't get to see it during your time on earth? Is it possible that you might grow so intimate with God that you're able to keep loving and serving him despite your disappointment? Is something impossible with God?

Habakkuk is a good teacher for us on this lesson, because it was not until the next generation that God kept his promise and punished the Babylonians. That's a long time to wait, my friend, but the Lord was still faithful.

He gives us three little words that we can cling to when it appears that God has not delivered on what he promised. No matter what you might be going through, never let go of these words. If you want to be able to grow closer to God, no matter what, then these are the three words you need to remember on your journey toward intimacy and ultimate trust and faith in him:
"But the Lord . . ."

After we acknowledged that we don't want what's going on in our lives, let's remember these words. "But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him." The world may seem upside down, but the Lord is still there.

When you have nowhere else to turn, when your own ideas and resources have evaporated, when your control over a situation is in shambles, God is still there. When your knees ache from kneeling in prayer but you can't tell if he's even listening, God is still there. When you think injustice and evil seems prevailing, when it looks like the enemies are in triumph and you are defeated, when you feel that God was overpowered by evil, remember that God is still in His throne. He rules no matter the circumstances, no matter the wicked prevailing, no matter the chaos. Victory is His in the end of all this, crushing all of the efforts of His enemies.

No matter what happens in your life, the Lord is in his holy temple. Ask God to allow you to experience His presence in new ways and show you how close He was to you.

Is something impossible with God?


With God, nothing is impossible.



Dear God, thank You for the assurance of Your endless presence from Your throne above. I pray that every time I get discouraged by circumstances, people and situations, I will always remember that You are an Almighty God with victory set in the stone. In Jesus Christ's Name, Amen.

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