02. Sizzlin' Like A Snare

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It was his voice that first grabbed my attention. I'll never forget the first time I heard it. However, it wasn't his voice that made me fall in love with him. Nor was it his eyes, or smile. It was something completely different. Something that caught me by surprise. 

You know how in that book, The Fault in Our Stars,  how the main character compares falling in love to falling asleep? 

Yeah, that's bullshit. 

It's more like a train hitting you, and you had no idea that the train, was in fact, coming. 

Two years Ago

The screaming vultures lasted until 8 am. Really, they camped out for five hours for the slightest chance to see their beloved Harry Styles. I never understood the hype behind the man. Not even when he was in One Direction. Yeah, sure he places toxic masculinity in the trash where it belongs, and has hair that somehow looks softer than a baby's butt. 

But I just don't get it. I remember when his first album came out and he proved to everyone he was more than somebody who belonged in a band. Which, I got to hand it to him, isn't something that is easy to do. Now, since his second album is out, he's doing a special tour for some apparent reason. 

After my fun little meeting with the stranger last night, I managed to get a good two hours of sleep. 

I know, it seems like not much, but it's what I'm used to. I've had insomnia since I was a little girl. It's something I've grown accustomed to, not to mention the Starbucks doubleshot and Bang energy drinks don't help either. 

But that's only when I'm feeling sad. Which happens more than it should. But I've gotten used to the feeling. The feeling of worthlessness. The feeling of emptiness. 

But seriously though, Starbucks is a godsend. You can't make something that good and not expect someone like me to get addicted. It would be a sin not to. 

Currently, I am in the venue, 'United Center' for the opening show tonight. The place is huge, which should not be surprising since it has to fit Harry and his extravaganza. Me and the team just got done bringing in the necessary lights needed. 

I like the team, it consists of 10 people, two of which are girls, including me. I honestly wasn't expecting much gender differentiation in this type of job. It's mostly male dominated, which I understand why. You need a lot of energy and muscle to be able to complete the tasks.

Which I do not have. 


"Yo Monica!" A voice grabs my attention from staring at the stage. I've been sitting on an equipment case for the last hour, thinking and doing nothing. I'm too shy to ask to do anything, which is something I need to work on. 

I turn my head to where the voice came from and see Major walking towards me. Major was certainly one of a kind. A stocky guy with the personality of Stan Pines from Gravity Falls. The first time we ever made contact, he stole my doubleshot drink right out of my hands and said I was giving back to society, and then proceeded to drink the whole thing. 

I didn't talk to him for 2 days after that. 

Stopping a few feet in front of me he says, "Harry is on his way over in a few minutes to practice with the light changes. All I need you to do is adjust the brightness levels between the chorus and the rest of the song." He leads me to the panel for the lights that's right next to the stage. 

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