Chapter 5

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It was midnight when the two men striked. They slowly climbed up the trees with moss and vines on their back for camoflage . Later that day Jero saw a grey harpy fly to the tree that they were currently climbing so the two guessed that the harpy was the one who had (Y/N) in it's clutches. However when the two reach the nest the grey harpy had flew to, they did not find (Y/N) , but instead a middle-aged woman, a heavily scarred and old harpy, and a young harpy chick. Jero looked at Fernand to silently tell him to move on to the next nest, however when he looked at the maimed man , he was shocked to seem the mixture of both fury and sadness danceing in his pale blue eyes. "Ania . " The warlock whispered as he pulled out a dagger.

"Fernand No!" Jero shouted as the older man lounged at the old harpy. The sudden comotion had stirred not only the old harpy awake , but the whole flock as well. Fernand managed to stab the harpy in the wing , making the creature let out a pained shriek . Jero looked behind him to see a few harpies flying over to aid the elder. Quickly he jumped out the nest, leaving Fernand to his fate . He quickly grabbed vines to help break his fall , however he was knocked off by a familiar face. The grey harpy that stole (Y/N) away from him. Jero crashed to the forest floor.

It's been days since (Y/N) was captured by her new subduers and while most of her bruises were healed by the cream Nania used on her, she was still in no condition to escape. So, instead she decided to gather up useful info from the couple about the land. "Hey Nania, quick question." She said looking at the dark skinned male. He gave her a inqisitive look before nodding his head for her to continue.

"Go on, little one." He ushered.

"Well, I was curious as to what that cream was made of." She states as she glances at her nearly healed arms.

"Just some plants around the forest." The white haired lamia sighed with a bored expression. His answer made the woman's brow twitch in frustration.

"I'm knew it was herbal, but I've never smelt a scent like it." She pushed as her teeth began to grit together. Nania noticed this and let out a chuckle.

"It's nothing important to know. Don't worry your pretty little head, little one." Nania spoke through snickers. (Y/N) simply gave him a unamused look.

"This bastard is messing with me ." She thought as she glared up at him with irritated (E/C) orbs.

"Darlings! I got us food!" The loud voice of Pelio yelled happily as he presented the two of you with several rabbits. His yellow eyes beamed with pride as he gave the rabbits off to Nania, who took them to be set aside until the older of the pair cooked them.

"Good job, Pel." Nania sighed as he gave the younger a pat on the head, making the yellow scaled lamia beam with joy. Then his golden orbs land onto (Y/N) making her freeze.

"Look, you're practically fully healed!" He gasped, grabbing her arms in the process.

"Gentle, Pelio. She's much more delicate than us. Just like a little egg." Nania scolded, though at the end it sounded like a blissful sigh. The two Lamia's slithered closer to the woman, both of their energies changing.

"Speaking of eggs..." Pelio whispered sensually as he placed himself over the smaller female. Nania was above Pelio, squishing the other male up against the (H/C) woman. (Y/N) gave the both of them a terrified look before she began to squirm out from under the pair. Neither one stopped her as she crawled away from the two. "Aw, is that a no?" Pelio whined.

"Well, I suppose we shouldn't expect her to welcome us so quickly." Nania sighed, resting on Pelio's pale shoulder and giving her a disappointed look.

"DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOULDN"T! I JUST MET YOU A FEW DAYS AGO!" (Y/N) yelled angrily as she backed farther away from the couple. The two just rolled their eyes before Nania crawled off Pelio and slithered toward the rabbits Pelio brought.

"Let's start lunch then." Nania chirped.

In a World Where All Monsters Are MenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora