He cocks his head, "Is there something wrong with the word fib?"

"Well, no." I say, slightly shaking my head, "I just haven't heard someone say that since I was a kid."

"Well, it happens to be one of my new favorite words." he says, "I'm Niall."

I had a feeling that's who he was. A wave of nervousness jolts through my body, now that I had confirmation that I was, in fact, talking to Niall Horan. It's like my body didn't realize that I had just had an almost flirtatious conversation with him. I don't understand why I'm nervous now.

"I'm Béatrice." I smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Béatrice." Niall grins.

I feel my cheeks start to flush, "It's nice to meet you as well."

"I like your accent." He says, finishing his beer and setting the empty bottle back on the counter.

"It's French," I say. "Thank you," I add, knowing that Celina would be proud of me for accepting a compliment, even if it were simple like this one, without giving it a second thought.

"Do you speak it?" Niall asks.

I nod, "Yes, do you?"

"No," he shakes his head, chuckling softly, "I can barely speak English at times."

I giggle and adjust the strap from my bag on my shoulder, not sure of what to say next. I didn't want to bring up his music or anything that would make him uncomfortable. I needed to say something quick or the conversation would end, and I definitely did not want it to end.

"Tell me something in French," Niall says and I'm instantly thankful that he had continued the conversation.

I smile and slowly lean towards him. With my lips near his ear, I whisper "J'adore la mer. [I love the sea.]" Judging by the look on his face when I leaned back, he probably thought I said something sexual.

His jaw was dropped a little and he chuckles, "What does that mean?"

"It's a secret," I smirk, keeping up with the idea that I said something dirty.

"Now, don't do that." He jokes. "Secrets aren't fun."

"Maybe I'll tell you, eventually," I say and a playful frown appears on his face. "Or you could google it."

"Like I'd know how to spell that."

I laugh, "Guess you're outta luck."

"Guess so." He says. He suddenly moves from his spot and sits on the stool next to the one he was originally sitting at. He taps on the now empty stool, gesturing for me to sit next to him, which I do.

Niall looks down at my ripped jeans, "Those are some very holey jeans."

"Uh... Thank you?" I say, unsure of whether or not he meant it as a compliment.

He laughs at my uncertainty, "I like them."

"Thank you." I chuckle, accepting my second complement of the night without Celina's help.

Niall and I talk for a while longer, mostly joking about random things. He told me about how he used to play football and how now he loves golf. We ended up sharing golfing stories, but his stories pertained to actual golf while my golfing background consisted of mostly putt putt with Celina.

I hear the first three beats of the next song and instantly recognize it, and judging by the look on Niall's face, he does too. Celina was obsessed when "Slow Hands" came out and played it on repeat for days. I guarantee that she's freaking out, wherever she is, right now.

Heartbreak Weather | Niall HoranOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora