Part 18

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It was five minutes to noon when Jaemin finally took a seat on the edge of the bed. At it's dip you shifted your eyes. You wish you could take away that pained look that was in the depth of your little Dreamie's eyes. His wide grin did not fool you even in your state. However you could not speak much less move.

Jaemin fixed the covers over you before gripping your hand, "They will begin in a minute."

He got distracted by Chenle coming to your other side. He quietly laid his head next yours and threw an arm around your shoulders. You hoped that your mouth quirked into a smile because that is what you were doing in your heart. Renjun sat on the other side, opting to cradle your other hand.

"Noona." Jaemin waited until he was fairly certain you were paying attention to him, "We are here and whatever happens, you need to remember that."

Renjun spoke fiddling with your fingers absently, "Don't forget that either. We are here."

Chenle gave a nod.

"We are ready." Kun announced.

Jaemin gave you one final wide smile as he and the others stood. Kun took his place looking at you, "I only give you one order, Y/N."

You blinked slowly once.

The edge of Kun's mouth lifted once. He took that as a good sign. The you that they knew was still there somewhere. Even though you couldn't talk, they knew you tried your hardest to communicate in any way you could, ".....And that is to fight."

Getting kidnapped by that Professor paled in comparison to the amount of nerves that the vampire Dreamies felt. They stood at the end of your bed at the opposite side of the room with WinWin, YangYang and Hendery.

Lucas and Ten were on either side of the bed while XiaoJun waited next to the dresser. A small ornate wooden box sat on the dresser inches from XiaoJun's hand.

The Dreamies had no idea what was in it. 

Kun pulled out a small ornate knife from his pocket. The Dreamies felt their breath stopped once. Now they knew why there was a bowl sitting on the floor. Kun took your wrist and made a cut across your wrist. You thought you winced but you weren't sure. Then exactly at Noon, with the curtains wide open Kun stood and began to throw his hands into complicated formations as he began to chant over you. Even the older vampires didn't know what he was saying, much less the Dreamies.

It seemed like nothing was happening but then you twitched.

Then you twitched again.

The cut on your arm began to sizzle and then black began to run with red, switching back and forth between the two colors. You felt like your mind was being torn into two. The shadows that had followed you home that fateful day all rushed at you and you ran. You ran down the corridors of your mind hoping to lose them. But they seemed to follow you anyway. And you heard their echoing laugh.

Kun growled in a commanding voice, "I know you are there! You will no longer own her!"

Jaemin will never forget how suddenly you sat up, like a puppet on a string, your eyes pitch black and a grotesque grin on your face.

"I already own her!" Some being growled through you, your voice deeper and guttural.

You tried to jump up towards the ceiling but Ten and Lucas were ready. They grabbed your wrists and you fought them, snarling and gnashing your teeth. They produced chains from under the bed and shackled your wrists with them. Still you fought them and they tried to hold you down by your shoulders.

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