Part 8

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You tried to keep track of the days but at some point they blurred together. The longer you were with them the more frightened you became. You needed to be strong. You needed to keep focus so that at the first opportunity you could act.

Kai was the one that scared you the most. He was always coming around. Mostly he liked to come and sit and stare at you. Sometimes he reached out and petted you on the head. You would jerk your head back but it undeterred him. And for some reason he liked to feed you but you stubbornly refused to open your mouth no matter how much he pleaded, cooed and cajoled you. You ignored him.

Such a day happened when you were ignoring him and he snapped. Suddenly you found your head grabbed from behind and Kai towering over you with a growl, "Don't ignore me."

You just glared at him.

He shook you once, "Say something."


Granted this was not the time to be snarky but you had no other means of defense. His nose flared and you saw something flicker in the deep recesses of his eyes.

"You need to accept your new reality. You are Exo's now. Mine. I won't let you go from me."

"My packtribe will come for me", you spat back at him.

"No", Kai shook his head, "No one is going to come for you!"

You growled, "I don't believe that!"

"We are far away from that place. They will never find us."

"I don't believe you."

"Do you know how long it's been since we've taken you?"

You were silent.

"It's been a week and a half. Almost two weeks."

You swallowed.

You watched the demon come closer to you. You went to try to move but you found yourself frozen, captivated by his eyes. The longer you looked, the more you swore that his eyes were going from white to smoldering orange. You tried to shut your eyes but found yourself unable to, trapped in his gaze. It burned you and you found yourself screaming but your lips didn't part.

His lips came next to your ear breaking eye contact. But still that didn't bring you any relief. Somehow you heard him over your internal screams, "And there hasn't been so much as a sign from them."

"Are you trying to break her already? After admonishing us to be careful?"

Kai pulled back to see Baekhyun walking over. "You'll overwhelm her if you keep going."

Kai turned back to you and realized you looked like a deer caught in headlights. Just as suddenly the spell that had you ensnared snapped suddenly. You panted slightly, winded as if you had just run the 10k.

"Ahh, I'm so sorry, my pet." Kai murmured reaching out to pet you on the head, "Calm down. It's okay."

Baekhyun shook his head as he squatted down next to you. He reached out and touched your head, "Though she's still cute like this."


Baekhyun waved him away, "Relax. It's not my fault you made a good catch."

"Hyuung..." Kai whined wrapping his arms around your head. He didn't want to share you with his hyungs. Not yet. Maybe not ever. He didn't know how strong his obsession would become when this ended.

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