Part 3

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It had been three days since that meeting and honestly you still could not get over it. It was official, you had three actively pursuing you: two werewolves and a vampire.

And honestly you had no idea how to feel.

The Dreamies had asked you after it was over how you felt and you couldn't give them an answer. You were so in shock. What were you supposed to say?

You entered the forest clearing, wearing your combat outfit, used for training. Today you were training with Johnny. You greeted him before beginning your warmups. From the werewolf side, Johnny had begun to train you after you came back to life. He and Taeyong agreed that you needed to have some skills to protect yourself. Although you were basically a human, (no one could quite figure out if you were aged and die since Kun resurrected you like he did) and wouldn't necessarily be able to take the supernatural at its strongest, you needed basic skills.

You enjoyed training with Johnny. He started out quite gruff when you met him and you had a sinking suspicion that Taeyong had ordered him to train you but eventually he warmed up to you.

He smiled when you finished and turned to him, "You ready?"

"Always!" you smiled back taking your stance.

Johnny took his but eventually he sighed and lowered his hands. You didn't come out of your stance, not sure what it meant but you cocked your eyebrow. Never lower your guard, was something that Johnny drilled into you.

He spaced out so long you dared to ease your body a little to ask, "Oppa?"

Johnny looked up at you, "I'm sorry."

You dropped your pose completely, "What? Why?"

Johnny rubbed the back of his neck, "I can't help but to feel I was too harsh the other day. Kind of crass."

"What?" You were confused.

"I wasn't sure how to tell you that I didn't feel for you. I couldn't help but to think I could have softened the blow."

You finally managed to catch up walking towards him, "Oppa, I wasn't upset by that! If you don't have feelings you don't have feelings. I understand that. Plus there was way too much going on. Don't worry about obsolete things."

Johnny sank down sitting with his legs crossed and you joined him, "So, what do you feel about what happened? Have you processed it yet?"

You sighed and played with a blade of grass, "Honestly, no. It's just all so sudden. What do you think?"

Johnny laughed, "I can't make up your mind or heart, little one."

"I would have thought you had a bias, at least", you said.

Johnny shook his head, "As long as you are happy, safe and healthy, I'm okay with any of the choices before you." He turned serious then, "Though, don't push yourself. Like you said if you feel nothing then you feel nothing and they will understand that."

You nodded, "Hmmm..."

You looked at Johnny who had placed his hand on top of your head in an affectionate gesture making you smile. "Ok, are we ready to train now?"

You smiled, "Ready!"

In all honestly nothing really changed now that you had Taeil, Kun and Taeyong decided to pursue you. Other than knowing what they were doing, nothing really changed. They were still quite a bit as affectionate with you as usual. Kun has resorted to kissing the back of your hand and Taeyong smiled a little sweeter at you.

Though, you suppose you would have to take it back. The biggest change was Taeil. He was still quiet but he often smiled at you more. You weren't sure why it was Taeil's smile that affected you the most. You knew he could be more open, you've seen it with the other members but you always thought he was aloof with you. But now you wondered if you had been hiding his feelings all along.

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