What's the News, Doc?

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As promised, Maze and Silas searched for Amara's coffin. Qetsiyah was the hardest to take care of. Apparently, two millenniums later and she still was angry. Luckily, her and Maze came to an agreement.

Rebekah and Stefan were reunited once again. Stefan was all too happy, having forgotten the recent memory of his ex-girlfriend quickly. They were off doing who knows what. Ninety years apart only slammed their bonds harder together.

It took them three months of searching and threatning around, but they finally managed. Silas and Amara exchanged a loving words, both crying as they embraced each other. It was almost romantic. In the end, Maze decided to help the couple out by erasing her memories of being the anchor.

Now freed, Silas and Amara were reunited once more. After all, they were mates. Kol was angry at Maze for not killing Silas and threw a fit, which earned him a scolding from Elijah and a broken neck from Caroline.

After that whole ordeal, the group decided to move to New Orleans. It was rather tricky with Marcel being arrogant. Though, Klaus was equally, if not more, arrogant than all of his family combined. When Rebekah and Stefan moved down a couple months later, it discovered that Rebekah and Marcel were soulmates.

Kol and Davina were mates aswell. He was over the moons that his mate was a witch. Davina was shy at first, blushing at his immature gestures and brass flirtation. It was kind of a weird relationship. A sweet but pyscho relationship.

Hayley, or Andrea, was reunited with his pack. Jackson and her got married or something. Maze wasn't too sure nor did she care. She still didn't like Hayley for her own reasons.

With the help of Davina, both she and Maze casted a banishing spell that cut the ancestors off. Good riddance to those witch-bitches. Freya had joined them after waking up. Together as one big family, and with the help of future knowlege, they conquered every conflict, nerver wavering or breaking apart.

Maze's eyes fluttered open. She was sandwiched between two men who had their arms around her waist. Elijah nuzzled his face into her neck while Enzo pecked her lips.

"G'morning Enzs," she said sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning, Elskan."

"G'morning 'lijah."

"Your coffee is ready downstairs," Enzo said as he pulled a shirt over his head.

She nodded and walked down the stairs, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Klaus was already seated at the table with dark bags under his eyes and hair pointed in all directions. Davina and Marcel were talking while Stefan was cooking.. A loud moan came through her lips as the coffee slid down her throat.

"You're making me jealous of that coffee, dear," Enzo joked, earning a sly wink from the witch.

"Brother, you look exhausted," Elijah said, sipping his tea.

"It's Caroline. She hasn't been feeling so well lately."

"Honestly, I've been the same too," Maze said, causing Elijah and Enzo to fret over her. The noble one was checking her temperature while the other one massaged her shoulders. She rolled her eyes at their dramaticness.

"Me too," Davina said.

"Strange, Rebekah told us she caught the stomach flu," Stefan said, turning the stove off and serving the breakfast. Marcel nodded with a finger under his chin as he thought.

"Enough you two," Maze snapped, pushing their clingy hands away so she could drink her coffee peacefully. "I'm pretty sure we all got a stomach virus from eating some stuff."

"None of us are feeling anything. Are they?" The males nodded at the question. They were worried now. How were all of the girls all sick but not them?

Davina sniffed the blueberry pancakes before turning away, gagging at the scent. Marcel looked at her worriedly. Blueberries were her favorite.

"D? Are you-" He didn't even finish his question when she ran towards the bathroom. Maze quickly followed behind her, holding her hair and rubbing her back as food regurgigated from Davina's stomach.

As she emptied her stomach, the others were waking Kol up. A sleepy Kol does not equal happy Kol. Nope. A sleepy Kol equals super salty and bitter Kol. With a side of murder(s). When he heard that his beloved was in the bathroom vomitting, he immediately broke down the door, replacing Maze as he comforted her.

After the whole ordeal, everyone gathered in the common area. Caroline was wearing a large Henley's shirt, which was most likely Klaus's. Rebekah was very peeved from being woken up from her beauty sleep.

"Right then, what's this all about?" Rebekah whined, earning an eyeroll from her brothers.

"Marcel and Stefan said that you weren't feeling well. Maze also said she was feeling sick. Davina just threw up and Caroline has been throwing up as well. There must be a connection or something," Kol answered, consumed with worry for his darling mate.

"It's not that big of a deal for me. I just get really weird cravings and tired easily," Maze said.

"You forgot to mention that your temper has gotten worse," Enzo reminded lightly. She glared at him as he put his hands up in surrender.

"Are you feeling better, darling? Shall I fetch you something to eat?" Kol asked his mate, receiving a 'no' gesture. Instead, she scooted closer to him and snuggled her head into his chest.

"If your mates weren't immortal, it'd almost sound like pregnancy to me," Freya said as she walked in. It was strange.

"Right, but most of us are vampires. Vampires can't procreate but we do love to try," Kol said, earning a blush from his mate and a pillow being thrown at his face.

"Elskan, I'd rather you not suffocate my brother. Though we all know he can be immature sometimes; it's his nature." Kol glared at Maze when the pillow loosened up.

"Have you been wearing protection, Klaus? You know that now you're a hybrid, you can procreate again."

Silence loomed between them. Klaus had no words to say. It seemed that Maze forgot to tell them.

"Freya? Can you check her?" The eldest sister complied and allowed her magic to enter Caroline.

"It's true. She is with a child." Maze smiled brightly at her best friend who was tearing up with joy.

"Nik?" Caroline called out softly to her stunned mate. Did he not want it?

"Oh my god. We are so stupid," Maze muttered.

"What is it dear?" Enzo asked.

"Davina, Freya, and I are extremely powerful witches. Why didn't we just use our own magic to see what's going on?"

Meanwhile, Caroline sat with fear coursing through her body. Klaus hadn't said a word nor did he spare her a glance. She couldn't even see his face as he hid it from her.

"Please don't leave me," Caroline sobbed, causing Klaus to snap out of his daze. He immediately rushed to his mate and comforted her against his chest.

"Marry me," Klaus said in a determined voice.

"W-what?" Caroline asked, still sniffling. The hybrid knelt in front of her with her hands in his.

"Caroline Forbes, will you marry me?"

Unable to speak properly, and producing an incoherent answer, she nodded and leapt into his arms.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, I will marry you," Caroline finally said as she kissed her new fiance.

"Well shit," a voice said loudly. All heads snapped towards the voice. It was Maze.

"Freya, come over here and check on me. I'm pretty sure I'm imagining things." Freya nodded and held her hands.

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