Chapter 5

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I immediately start crying with her. He was like a father to me. We sit there and cry for about 30 minutes until we dry our tears and open the cafe. I work in the kitchen because I really just don't want to be here anymore.

As I cook peoples order, I hear a small amount of commotion and Travis walks in the kitchen while Anne screams, "SHE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE ANYONE RIGHT NOW!" I continue making food, like Travis isn't there. Travis walks up to me and waves his hand in front of my face.

I want to scream and cry so bad, but I hold back. A single tear slips from my eye and Travis lightly wipes it with his thumb. He stands there and waits for me to do something and I finish cooking the grilled cheese. "301" I say blankly and Anne comes in, glares at Travis, and takes the plate.

"Whats wrong?" Travis asks me. I ignore him and start on the next order. "Kayla, tell me whats wrong." Travis says. "Alright, thats enough." Anne says as she walks in. "You're not allowed to be in the kitchen so get out." She says. "I'm not leaving until I know whats wrong." Travis argues.

"OUT!" Anne screams. They keep screaming and arguing until I can't handle it. "MR. MIKAELS DIED!" I yell and the room falls silent. Travis walks out and Anne starts crying again. I go over and hug her before returning to the food. The day goes by and I don't let a single tear slip from my eyes. Anne leaves and I close down the cafe. I walk down to my house and I slip my shoes off.

I lay down on the couch and curl into a ball. I can't get close to anyone because I lose them everytime. I get up and walk to the kitchen. I do something, I know I shouldn't. I go to the cabinet and grab the bottle of vodka. I sit down on a stool and start drinking. After I've lost count of how many bottles I've drank, I hear the doorbell ring.

I stumble to get the door and I open it and I see Travis in the door way. "Travis!" I slur happily. "Wh- You're drunk? Really?" He asks. "No..." I whisper. "I missed you!" I slur and he smiles and shakes his head.

"You're gonna be dead by tomorrow." He says and I start laughing hysterically. "Let's get you to bed." He says. He grabs my arm and helps me walk to my room. "You know, I've thought you were hot since we met but I was afraid to tell you but right now I dont care." I whisper the 'I dont care' part.

He laughs and shakes his head. "I'm never letting that go... " He says and I lay down in my bed. "Goodnight." Travis says. "You know, I've never really had anyone growing up. I mean I had my Aunt. Mr. Mikaels was like a Dad to me. You know, I lost my father when I was 6 so all the memories I have with him are watching late night Disney movies and him singing to me before bed every night. He didn't work because Mom had took his money and abandoned us and I don't see how she did that because kids are ador-" Travis puts his finger to my mouth to shush me.

"Shhh. Just go to sleep. It'll be okay. If you still feel the need to talk about it tomorrow, then thats what we'll do but for now, you're drunk and you just lost someone. Goodnight, Kayla..." He says and I lean back and fall asleep. 


I wake up. As soon as I sit up I regret it. I instantly lie back down with a crushing headache. I look at the clock and almost fall out of the bed. 1:30 PM! Anne must be working her heart out. I run to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face. I slowly fall to the ground with the worst headache in history.

All of a sudden everything comes rushing in and I realize what I did. "Hey, calm down. You're gonna hurt yourself." Travis says in a soft voice as he walks in. Why was I drinking? It takes me a minute and I realize.

All the tears that I've been holding back build up in my eyes. I bite my lip and close my eyes to keep them from falling. I feel Travis sit beside me and he starts rubbing my back. "You need to let it out." He says. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. And then another. And more. Soon enough, I'm fully crying. "I'm late for work." I say as I stand up and wipe the tears off of my face.

"You're off for the week. Anne couldn't handle it so she closed the cafe for the week." Travis says and I nod. Its Sunday. I don't have work. What am I gonna do? I sigh and walk to the kitchen and find some pancake mix and the butter. "So are we still on for Friday?" Travis asks.

"Yeah. I might be a little slugish but yeah." I say and he smiles. "You said some things last night..... one that stuck out was that you've thought I'm hot since we met." He says. I turn around with wide eyes and then I remember. I blush and look at my feet.

"It's okay. I think I'm hot too." He says and we both laugh. "Of course you do." I mumble.

"Do you want to meet my friends? I haven't seen them since really early yesterday morning and they won't quit texting me." Travis says. "Yeah sure. Invite them for dinner. I'll cook for all of us. How many of them?" I ask. "7. Counting me, 8" He says and I nod. "Thanks." He says.

I put the pancake mix on a hot, greased pan and jog to my room. On days like this, I thank my Dad for the skinny genes. I throw a tank top and some shorts on and put my hair in a messy bun. I walk to the kitchen and flip the pancakes. "So I guess I should head out." Travis says after checking his phone.

"You aren't gonna stay for breakfast?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Thanks though." He says. He walks to the door quickly and leaves. "Okay bye...." I mumble. 

I Trust You, Travis WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now