Savvi X Rachel/Crystal

Start from the beginning

This time was different, Triste approached me after lunch in the halls that following Tuesday. We went through the usual back and forth flirting.

This time though, she kissed me. My back was against the locker, and her body was completely against mine. I didn't feel anything, not until my eyes slid over to  Savvi.

She was standing against her locker. Her eyes had changed, they were full of malice. She seemed to be screaming at me without saying anything, her entire body was stiff, with quite rage.

I closed my eyes and went with the kiss, accepting Triste's tongue, allowing her to feel me up, while half the school walked around, watching.

Triste DeVera didn't get home for dinner that night, a week later her body was found with her throat cut, so badly that she was partially decapitated. She had been stabbed 30 times and her eyes were gauged out.

Her body had been left in some vacant lot, behind a dumpster near the school hill. The town was shocked, everyone believed it was a drifter, some murderer who flew through who just flew through town.

I spent hours, writing in my journal after Triste was killed. At first, I wrote normal things, like how I wondered if Triste suffered, I wondered if she was in peace. Then day by day, my writings started to change.

I started writing different things, darker things, things no normal person would write. I wrote of how I wondered what the body looked like when the police found it, I wrote of the orgasm I had the night of Triste's funeral. I wrote about how I didn't feel sick, about how I wished I could have seen her as she was bleeding out.

Sick right?, at the time I still gave a shit, but that would slowly go away. Then Shequan William's murder happened, he was hung on the football field. He was killed over the weekend, his body was found on Monday morning, by Coach Elli.

Immediately the school was shut down, and the entire town was put on curfrew. The police questioned the student body again, but to no avail.

Shequan had been strangled with his underwear, it was suspected that the killer probably lured him with sexual advances. His death led to more writings, mostly about my sudden and unexpected new kink. I like being choked.

I wrote in my journal, about the orgasms I gave myself, while dad's leather belt was wrapped tightly round my neck.

Two weeks after Shequan's funeral another murder would rock my town, my first murder.

The Tuesday of that week was a thrilling day, school was set to open again the next day. So I was already on edge, wondering if another murder would soon take place, wondering whether if I'd pass the killer in the halls.

Imagine my surprise when I woke up around 5 AM, that Wednesday morning to find the killer reading my journal. Savvi.

She was sitting in the chair, that sat in front of my desk. When she noticed I was awake, she smirked and held up my journal, my nasty book filled with filth.

"You're sick. You know that right?" She asked, and I frowned, wiping crust from my eyes.

"They are just fantasy's." I said, she got up and walked over to my door and locked it. I was still sleepy so I didn't react, not until I watched her go into my closet, and take out several belts I had stolen.

As she approached me I climbed out of bed, without hesitation, she slapped the shit out of me, I fell back in bed, and she pounced. She wrestled my hands into her grip, and tied them.

"Scream and I slit your throat, just like I did to Triste." She said, her voice dark and harsh.

"Y-you killed her?" I asked, stopping my struggling.

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