The Love of My Life... My Childhood Idol

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The Love of My Life... My Childhood Idol


Despite what some people might say, I really don't like school. Maybe it's because I'm 14. Maybe it's because I keep getting hit on by my upper class-men.

I don't know.

All I do know is that after school, Madison and I were going to be heading over to hang out with Clementine and Ella at their house.

Supposedly, Maria was going to be hanging out with her friends while Luca was taking Victoria and their Mom out to dinner since it was the anniversary of their father's death.

Maddy and I were just trying to give our support, even though it's been 7 years since he died.

"So, Emily." Madison asked as she nudged my shoulder.

"What's up?" I replied, eyeing the strange girl next to me.

"Ready to go see Luca?" She asked.

For a moment, my cheeks went hot as I thought about my friend's brother. I know it was weird, but I really liked him.

Part of me wished he liked me too, but he was an adult. Even if he did, it would still be against the law for us to be together until I graduated High School in four years.

The sad thing was, Maria didn't have that problem. If Luca liked her, they were able to be together since they were the same age.

Then, there was Madison who already looked like she was an adult, despite her actual age.

I looked down at my slender figure that hadn't changed very much since I was a little girl and sighed.

Why couldn't I have been born with Madison's genes or something. Maybe I'd be more appealing to Luca if I did. I thought to myself before I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bell ringing.

"Alright, class. Remember that I want to see all of your book reports next week! If you don't turn it in, then you're getting an F in my class!" Our teacher, Mr. Hutchinson, said.

I ended up following Madison over to her mother's car.

She and her mother looked a lot alike. Especially since both had more feminine bodies unlike Maria and I. Well, Maria had an excuse since she was shorter than most people in her family, and I guess most people now-a-days.

Though, I'll probably just stay this skinny my entire life...

From next to me, I felt something nudge my leg. As I looked down at the figure, I found a little black Bear Cub who whined at me.

"I know, Cody. I shouldn't be putting myself down." I answered the Bear Cub. Cody proceeded to stand on it's hind legs, putting both of it's arms up like a little child wanting to be held.

"Come on, Cody. You know you're getting too big for me to hold." I told the Cub as I picked him up.

Cody's been my Spirit Animal since I was a little girl... or littler. When I met him out in the woods where Madison and I had gone camping, I gave him a sandwich because something told me he was hungry.

Cody followed me back to camp where my parents told me that he was my Spirit Animal.

Since then, he's always been with me. Thankfully, he's not visible to anyone who's not ''Psychic'' as my parents call people like us, because that would have been a weird conversation as to why a little bear cub was following me at all hours of the day.

Psychics are people who have special abilities and generally find out about these abilities when they're children, but some people can become frightened of their abilities and subconsciously reject them, which isn't good for the person as it causes them to have different problems associated with their power.

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