Going On A Date... With My Idol

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Going On A Date... With My Idol


As I looked down at the ticket in my hand, I remembered what had happened just a week before...

Going to sleep next to Luca, wishing that I could tell him that I loved him, his having heard my saying that, then suddenly waking up in the hospital staring at my Idol who's angry expression was betrayed by his eyes.

Over the years, I'd begun to know if Luca was ever angry, or even if he was happy as his expression rarely changed. Just like his tone of voice.

I knew what happened had scared him.

I now knew that he cared for me as his weeping had been what had woken me up.

And yet, I was sad.

Sad that I had caused the person I cared for so much pain.

"I'm sorry, Luca..." I whispered.

Luca only stood there in the corner, eyeing me before whipping the tear stains from his face.

As he was about to speak, Mom began to stir.

When her eyes opened, she looked directly at me and screamed.

"EMILY! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Mom exclaimed as she crashed into me with a hug that could have given a bear trouble.

For the next, half an hour I guess, Mom and Luca watched as Doctors walked in and did different tests on me making sure that I'd be okay to go home.

When everything was done and I'd received the 'okay' from the Doctors, Mom took me home while Luca walked home.

It was pretty sad to watch him walk in the rain, but Luca insisted that he didn't need a ride.

He just "needed to get some fresh air and think".

The drive home wasn't very long, but to me, it was probably the longest 10 minutes in my life.

All I could think about was Luca and what he must have been going through when I had my heart attack...

Part of me wanted to go back to his house and see him, but another part just wanted to just fall asleep and not wake up.

After all... wouldn't that be how everyone else would have felt in this situation?

"Are you thinking about Luca?" Mom asked me, still sitting in the car despite us having parked inside our garage. I realized that we've been sitting here for several minutes not having moved an inch as the heater continued to blow hot air onto my feet and face.

It felt...nice. At least in comparison to the current situation that I was dealing with.

I nodded my head.

"Well, why don't we talk about it?" She asked. Mom was probably my biggest advocate and definitely the only one I could talk to in regards to...anything.

"Do you...think that Luca...l-likes me?" I asked her, only receiving a chuckle.

"Of course he likes you, Em." Mom said, pausing for moment. "The question is, does he love you?"

I felt my cheeks flush as Mom's laughter grew.

"M-Mom!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, hush. You know that I have to tease you about liking him. It's my job as your Mother." Mom said, still smirking at me. I could only huff in indignation.

We were silent for a few minutes, each listening to the song currently playing on the radio while both of us were possibly lost in our thoughts.

I don't know how long we were like that, but when I turned to look at her, I found Mom staring at me.

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