Chapter 39- Do Not Interrupt

Start from the beginning

I have never smoked. But I guess my WHOLE family thinks otherwise.

I have never failed maths. I have never snuk out. I have never ever stole any money. But who am I to talk? There all "lies".

I'm just a liar


"I'm going to kill you!" My dad yelled holding his right hand which I just threw a knife at.

I shivered and looked for an escape. Panic rose throughout my body once again as he carelessly ripped the knife out of his skin pointing it at me.

A scream was stuck in my throat, my body paralyzed to the ground. I couldn't even move a muscle.

I watched as he neared me with a blood dropping knife...


I shot up while taking a deep breath.

I've just had another nightmare.

I quickly searched for my phone inside my pillow, and when my hand felt it, I yanked it out and pressed my unlock button.

Monday 3rd November 2014.

My eyes widened as I breathed in a shaky breath.

It is School. Today.

I was dreading this day, since forever really, and now I have to face it. Face him.

Earth, why do you hate me this much? I thought as I dragged myself out of bed.

My feet scraping along the hardwood floor as I walked into my bathroom.

I sighted once I caught sight of myself in the mirror.

"Mirror, Mirror,

On the wall,

Why can't I be thin, pretty and tall?" I said remembering a quote I found the other night.

I just shook my head splashing cold water all over my flesh. Trying to wake myself up and clean these thoughts from my mind.

1 hour later

"You want a lift-

"NO!" I yelled to Harry as I shut the front door in his face.

And I'm back the square 1 with my relationship with Harry and the boys.

Well good. I was getting way to comfortable and close to them anyway.

I sighted as I put my earphones in listening to sleepwalking by bring me the horizon. Simple sentence; this song is me life.

Music is probably what's been keeping me going for the past few months.

When I think back to everything. It's all to eventful.

Harry came. We din't really talk. I got excluded from school cause I punched some slut who was asking for it, arguing with my mum, went to Dads, nearly got myself killed, Harry carried me out of the house, we got lost in some woods, found a house and to my fantastic luck, it obviously had to be Parkers house. And then it went downhill from their. Now my Mum and so called Dad, are getting re-married. I do wonder what other sh*t is gonna happen.

I looked up to already see my school. Which I wasen't really happy about.

I quickly checked my messages as I entered the school gates.

No new messages

I couldn't help but allow a wave of disappointment wash over my body. I was hoping James would text me. I guess he really doesn't care about me then.

Lily Rose StylesWhere stories live. Discover now