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Eria looked around. She hasn't joined a team yet and was yet to be approached by anyone.

She notices Izuku with Ochako, both with dejected faces.

'I guess if I want fun, then Im gonna have to join the person with the most attention'

The girl grins at her so called 'amazing idea' and made her way towards the two.

"Hey! Mind if I join your group?"
She casually asks, earning a blank stare from both of them.

'... real smooth Eria'

Izuku bursts out, tears forming on his swollen eyes- probably from more crying.

She placed her hands on her hips and flashed him a smile.

Izuku cries a fountain.

"Jeez- you don't have to cry that much" Eria nervously spoke, her smile faltering.

"Yeah! Now all we need is one more member!" Ochako enthusiastically spoke.

"Mn! And I think I know who it should be.."
Izuku muttered, before walking away.

"Ne... how were you able to run that fast during the obstacle race?"
The brunette asked. Eria looked her way and sighed.

"Training, a bit of my quirk too"
She simply stated, avoiding any important information.

"I see... that save in the pit fall was really cool though!"
Uraraka began to make gestures with her hands in trying to explain how 'cool' her classmate looked.

Eria softly laughed at her antics and smiled. "Thanks"

Uraraka smiled back, before noticing Izuku walking back with their last member.

'Oh? This should be entertaining'


"Eria-san, you can emerge out of shadows right?"
Izuku asked

"Correct. Any shadow in my range of sight, I can disappear and emerge from" She casually answered.

"Hm.. Then Eria-san should be our rider, it makes for good offense and defense. Dark shadow can move to the others and she can jump out then quickly get back here"
The green haired boy mumbled and started rambling on.

"Woah woah- are you sure? Wait- I think I know how to make this work"
Eria spoke before heading over to Midnight.

She whispered something and watched as Midnight thought about her question.

"Innovative! Y'know what? As long as your rider doesn't fall and you go back, Im allowing it!"
The pro hero grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

Her face lightens up and she thanks the hero before walking back.



And as soon as Midnight's voice was heard, all the other teams headed straight to Izuku's.

Eria shouted and they sprint away, just in time to not get caught in the ground that was starting to look weird.

They were being closely followed by many of the teams and so Izuku decided to make a decision. "Uraraka-san, we need to get of the ground!"

He spoke as he looked back. The others were catching up.

"Im on it!"
She grinned, tapping everyone's shoulders and they all start to float upwards.

They aimlessly float around for a while, Dark Shadow continuing to block any attacks. 

Sin of Deceit ¦sᴅs-ʙɴʜᴀ¦Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt