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Southern Belle Princess


Adeline grew up in a small town, where everyone knows everything and everybody. She struggled as a teenager to fit in and just wanted to get out of this sleepy little mountain town. Deep in the heart of the south. She had big dreams, but life just didn't go Adeline's way. Plans always do seem to happen just like that. You get it all planned out and fate will lead you down another path.

She was young when she left home, just barely 18, setting off for adventure. But after many failed attempts of love lost, an abusive relationship, and heartache she tucked tail and headed home. Once home she went to work trying to make something of her life. Even though it wasn't her original dream it would have to do. She would have to settle for way less than spectacular.

She took some night courses while working a day job. It was long hours and little pay, but it would all pay off in the end. She struggled with her losses and sometimes fail into deep bouts of depression but she hung in there. A few broken relationships would come and go until she met the man she had children with, Greg Smith. They dated and things moved along quickly. They became pregnant early on, even though she struggled with conception. They soon married because of the baby and moved in together so they could be together to raise the child.

Not long after moving in, she realized he wasn't being honest nor faithful. Even when she was having their child, he was distracted by another. Adeline thinking it was her and she wasn't good enough. She tried her best to make him happy by changing herself and her looks to try to please him. She, also, dedicated all her time to raising their beautiful baby girl. As time went on and they miscarried a baby, he became angrier and more mentally abusive. They even had a time that they had separated. He begged her to come back, and on Valentine's Day she did go back they conceived another child that night. Adeline, being high risk, had to be on bed rest throughout the whole pregnancy and he ended up having an affair again. This time she found proof and just 3 months before their son's due date she moved back to her parents. She did her best to care for her daughter and keep herself and the baby healthy.

She delivered him a month early, and he was sent off to a children's hospital since he wasn't breathing on his own. She struggled through this with all the betrayal, however, after the baby came home Greg convinced Adeline to come back. The years that followed were dark and dismal because he controlled everything. And little by little there was nothing left of her. Then, one day she realized, after another failed attempt at therapy, that she needed to find the strength to pack herself and the kids up and walk away. That's exactly what she did.

She moved back to her parents and started over. Got a job in a local shop and did her best to make a life for herself and her children. Over the next 5 years, she would struggle but would do her best to give her two kids everything. Men would come and go, and all of them would just disappoint her in the end. One played her for a fool, and she decided she was done with love. She made grand plans to travel once her children were grown. Adeline even had a jar where she saved any extra cash she could for her future. She had these notebooks full of things and places she wanted to see and travel to someday.

One day, as she was scrolling through her Facebook feed, she saw an ad for a position as a historical decorator. Oddly close to what she was qualified for. The position was in England, and she knew it was a long shot. But she applied anyways. It was all expenses paid even travel and had a flexible schedule starting that summer. Not putting much thought into it, she clicked the ad and she applied. Sending all her info and resumé along with the application. "Here's hoping," Adeline thought fleetingly.

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