Start bij het begin

Then Neji walks away.

'He doesn't know of Matatabi yet.' Tenji thought.

As he attempted to follow him, he got blinded by a flash of light, turning him into a phantom. And everyone that he met instantly forgot the boy called Tenji Huu.

After Shikamaru won Tenten in the exams, it was time for Neji and Naruto to fight and they both took the stage.

Tenji watched as he sat beside Tenten. From what she told him and Kaana, Naruto knocked out Neji but of course Tenji didn't believe her. But now, he'll see for himself if it was the truth.

"Why do you hate your family so much? They may seem mean but they are always there for you."
"They took everything from me. Turned me into a slave."

Neji then removed his forehead protector and showed his curse mark to him.

"Neji's hate has gotten to him." Tenten muttered.
"I can't believe this." Tenji said.

Tenji knew that if Neji was not careful, he may summon Matatabi and Naruto may do the same for Kurama. And the village will be destroyed.

"But still, you can change your destiny." Naruto said.
Putting his forehead protector on and taking a fighting pose, Neji asked: "What do you know about destiny?"

They fought and it was intense. Neji then hit all of his pressure points and closed them. Naruto fell and tried to stand.

Neji saw this and was confused. Naruto was destined to fail, so why was he trying so hard?

"What are you doing? If you exert yourself beyond your limits, you'll die."
"Because.......... Everyone......... Called me........... A loser."
"I may be 'destined to fail' in your own words, but I want to change that. I am gonna be Hokage, Dattebayo!!"
"I love to see you try to make it pass Jonin."

Suddenly, his pressure points reopened and red chakra was around Naruto. They both fought some more.

Then, doing some extreme jutsu, there was a flash of light and everyone panicked. When the light cleared, Tenji saw Naruto in a crater and Neji out of it.

"I thought Naruto won Dad? What's going on?"

As if to answer his question, Naruto shot out of the ground, punching Neji square in the jaw and knocking him on the ground while the other Naruto poofed away.

It was a shadow clone.

"You can change your destiny Neji. You don't have to punish yourself for their actions."
"And the winner of this round is Naruto!!!"

~The infirmary~

Neji was still wondering what to do. He had been told not to hold any grudges against the Main Branch family but it was kinda hard.

Tenji just stood there watching Neji. Lord Hiashi came in and told Neji the truth of his father's death. Now Neji was confused on what to do.

Neji then looked up and smiled.
"Well Uzumaki......... I guess you were right. I guess it is us who chooses our fates and destinies."

'Knock knock'
'Who could that be?' Neji wondered.

The door opened and Tenten came inside the room. He kept a smile on his strict face, though he wasn't looking at her. But he wondered what she wanted.

"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Thanks, but I'm fine." He responded.

She then came closer and sat beside him on the bed.

"Don't get too dissapointed. I'm sure it's by pure luck that Naruto won......."
"Huh? Oh, I'm over that."
"Lord Hiashi came over a while ago."

He then removed his forehead protector, showing his curse mark and touched it slightly. Tenten gasped inaudibly.

"I always thought that the Side Branch would have to suffer for the Main Branch family in order to protect the powers of the Byakugan. But I guess father thought differently. Lord Hiashi said that he died to protect what he loved, but what it was, I wonder. I don't understand......."

Tenji had never seen Neji so vulnerable before. Tenten then tries to make him cheer up a little.

"Hey!" He looks at her. "Let's go back to the stadium. Gai sensei and Lee are there, and Sasuke's match sure looks exciting." She says with hopeful eyes.
"Sure, alright." He responds and smiles at her.

Tenten then blushes and gets up from the bed.

"I-I'll wait for you to c-change your attire."

She then walks to the door.


She stopped. Was he going to apologize. Tenji and Tenten were expecting it to happen.

But once again, expectation is the mother of all fuckers.

"Thank you......for listening to me."
"Anytime Neji."

She then walks away.

"Tenten, please find it in your heart to forgive me for what I said to you." He said.
"Stupid old man! Mom will obviously forgive you because she loves you." Tenji said despite knowing that Neji can't hear him.


Hey guys, wassup!!!!

I'm finally 16🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗💖💖💖💖💖💖

Vote, comment and share. 😊😊😊😊😊

Sorry if the updates are slow, no Wi-Fi😒😒😒, but I promise this book WILL and MUST be COMPLETE!!!! Believe it!!!!!🤗🤗🤗

Naruto: Yeah, believe it!!!!!!!!
Me: Thanx a lot for the support Naruto. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Naruto: Anytime. 😊😊
Me: Here *Gives him ramen🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜* 10 bowls of ramen.
Me: Ja ne!!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗
Naruto: *with full mouth* BRA ME!!!!! (JA NE!!!!!)

The Reason Why Mom Loves Dad [ON HOLD]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu