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“Hello Jk...”

“Hm, Tae...” Jungkook mindlessly answered to him as he was in his car worried for where shall be his mom, right now. He thought of all possible places she could go and inquired there but unfortunately she was still out of his reach.

“Listen, Taeyon aunt called me.” He spoke quickly catching Jk's attention. “She asked me about you fired Seokjin.” Jungkook straightened his back.

“And what did you say?”

“Offcourse I didn't lie. I told her that you indeed fired him.” Taehyung said firmly. He hates that Jungkook never snaps back at his cruel father, he isn't some sort of saint that Jk follows his orders all the time.
    Jungkook sighed. He wasn't hoping for Taehyung feeding his mom some lies. He actually wanted him to speak the truth about it. He made a mistake and there's no hiding it.

“She even asked about your engagement being fixed with Sumni.”

“What!?—She asked you about that too?” He said in disbelief.

“Yes she did. And she sounded very angry which is expectable. You mustn't hide this more now, Jk. You're Marrying someone without telling your mom, definitely this will make her mad.”

Jeon clicked his tongue. “I was planning to reveal this soon. But for some reasons, I couldn't. I guess, I'm late now. But I'll talk to her. Anyways, did mom said anything about where she is?”

“No. Why what happened?”

“She left somewhere without saying anything to me and now isn't picking up my phone.” Taehyung heard worry in his tone.

“She didn't said anything about where she must be. But after she angrily talked to me about your sudden engagement news, she murmured something like ‘I know what to do.’ and ended the call. What did she mean by that, Jungkook?” Tae asked. Jungkook's brows that were kneeted in confusion got raised with his eyes wide as if he saw a ghost.

“No way.” He mumbled.

“Huh what? What Jungkook? What happened?—” before Tae could ask anything more, the phone call ended. He clicked his tongue as he was again left with half information and phone hung up on him again, leaving him in frustration.

“Take a turn and drive fast to Jeon mansion.” He ordered his driver.

His hands little restless as he tried his luck again and called his mother one more time. And his luck worked.

“Hello ma!” He exclaimed. His heart finally getting relief. The thoughts of his father might hurt her brought the great distress him.

“Jungkook come home. I need to talk.” she coldly spoke and ended her call on him, leaving Jungkook puzzled on why his mom sounded so stern. But,  nonetheless he sighed in relief that his mom was at home, safe.


Jungkook brisked inside his house and throwing of his laptop bag on couch, walking to his mother who was sitting near large glass window; he let out a  big sigh.
   “Mom, why you didn't answered my call? I was hell worried.” he breathed out. But, his mother looked at him non-chalantly.

He didn't mind her cold attitude, just spoke on. “Why did you go to the Dad's house? You shouldn't leave without bodyguard or least telling me about–”

“Why should I obey you when you aren't doing the same huh?” She spoke, interrupting him. He furrowed his brows.

“I told you to share me all your problems, yet you're hiding it and enduring it alone. As if you're very strong.” she scoffed as she mumbled last sentence which was heard by Jungkook. His lips turned into thin line. She looked at him.
  “Answer me! Why you agreed on marrying that Choi’s daughter?” Jeon tore the gaze.

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