Chapter 5

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"I.." Said Snufkin. "I don't know what to say.. After all those years of doing crimes, and me being angry at you, you still want me?" 

Joxter nodded and beamed at him. 

Snufkin smiled and tears shed from his eyes. 

"I guess I'll give it another shot." 

"Thats my son, that's my son!" Said the Joxter as he picked him up. "Oh, my bad, I'll put you down now."  He set him down. "You know, dad, remember about those friends you had?" Said Snufkin. 

"Yes, what about them?" 

"I think you have one of your old fellows here already." 

Snufkin knocked on the door. "Hello?" Moominmama answered the door.  "Hello Snufkin. What can I help you with?" 

"Do you know where Moominpapa is?"

"Oh yes, he's writing down his memoirs. I'll get him down."

A few minutes later, Moominpapa came. "Ah, yes Snuf- oh hello Joxter!" gasped Moominpapa. 

"Hello Moomin." 

"Let's all get you inside, we'll talk there." 

They reached inside and talked. 

"Say Moominmama, where is Moomintroll?"

"He's with Snorkmaiden and Sniff, but he'll be back soon." 

"Oh, alright." Said Snufkin.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"It's so nice to see you Joxter, I haven't seen you in ages!" Exclaimed Moominpapa. 

"It's very nice to see you too. I have been looking forward to go to Moominvalley, and now I'm here." 

Then, the door unlocked, Moomintroll came inside with Snorkmaiden. 

"SNUFKIN!" They both said. 

"Sorry, Sniff couldn't come with us. He was too busy." Said Snorkmaiden.

"So, these are your friends?" Asked Joxter.

"Oh, erm. Yes. Moomintroll, Snorkmaiden, this is Joxter. He is my father. "

"So this was the situation that Snufkin was having?" Asked Snorkmaiden.

"Yes." Answered Moomintroll. 

They all chatted, it was becoming dark, so Snufkin and Joxter decided to leave the house and set up the campfire. They told stories to each other. Snufkin told him that once he tried to remove all the signs from the Park Keeper, but accidently framed Moomintroll and Snorkmaiden in prison, he saved them, of course. Joxter giggled and told about his adventures with Muddler, Hodgkins, and Moomin(papa). They laughed through the night and went to bed. 

Okay, so this is a cliffhanger, sorry it went a little bit too "happy", but I'm really tired. But I promise tomorrow I will continue this story. P.S, more Little My will also be added, stay tooned!

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