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2 days later

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2 days later...

It has been two nights without erick, two nights going to sleep and waking up alone. The first night was rough, it felt like complete shit you weren't able to catch any sleep. The second night was surprisingly a lot better, seeing as you spent the whole day in the hotel mini bar drinking and eating your life away.

That night you out did yourself with the amount of alcohol you consumed and ended up posting on your private snapchat. This exposed your whereabouts to a close friend but luckily you had convinced them enough to ensure they would keep your whereabouts hidden from erick.

next morning...

All of a sudden the curtains of the room flung open making the natural light beam through the window. You groan turning your face into your pillow throwing the covers over your head.

"no, es hora de levantarse". Following after that you felt a pillow hit the back of your head.

"oh no you didn't". You mumble into the pillow. You slowly reach for an extra pillow; grabbing it you turn around to see your victim walking out of the room.

You evilly smirked to yourself changing your plan of attack. Placing the pillow to the side you propped up on your feet and jumped on the person.

"attackkkk!". You yell into his ear putting your full body weight on him dragging him back onto the bed.

"ay angel". He groaned standing back up pulling you onto his shoulders.

"ah put me down please" "im sorry". You beg between giggles, but your desperate cries went in one ear and out the other.

"mcdonalds or wendys for breakfast". he suggested placing you down on the sofa.

"im actually not hungry right now". You reply earning a frown from him.

"i have been thinking about things with erick, and i feel like it's best if i move on, as much as i love him i guess right now isn't the right time". You admit looking at your blonde headed friend.

"so no mcdonalds?". You sigh playfully rolling your eyes at him.

"we can stop at mcdonalds for you but after that imma head to ericks apartment and grab my things". You reply earning a nod from him.

"once again thank you zabdiel, thank you for letting me crash at yours and for not telling erick".

"anytime pendeja". He teased running out of the apartment.

in the car...

You had just finished taking zabdiel to eat then dropped him off to the studio. You were currently driving back to your old shared apartment. The apartment was under ericks name so you thought you would make it easy by packing your things and leaving. So that's what you are doing.

The closer you get to the apartment the more nervous you felt. Through these last days you had been battling between staying or leaving; and to be honest if you could completely turn a blind eye on this whole situation and get back with him you would.

Your plan was simple, you walk in pack all your stuff then leave. No talking no eye contact just in and out.

You were so deep into your own thoughts that you hadn't realised that you had already reached the apartment door. Taking a deep breath in you close your eyes then a few seconds later you exhale letting the tight feeling in your chest ease.

Your hands reach into your side bag eagerly searching for your spare keys. Once you grab it you place it into the door knob twisting it to unlock the door.

Once you walked in you had this uneasy feeling. Closing the front door behind you were confused at the minimal amount of light in the apartment.

This made you bump into a stool. Groaning to yourself you rub your foot and walk to the wall feeling for the light switch, after turning the light on you were startled.


hola hola holaaa!
here is chapter 5 for you lovelies

sorry if it's a bit meh
this book is nearly finished tho,
maybe another 5 chapters
you know short and sweet
books are my thing :)

¡question time!
what do you notice first about a guy?
and what are your preferences?

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