[16] Bittersweet

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Y/N woke up, realized what day it was, and immediately wish she hadn't. She really didn't want to leave her best friends. But alas, sleeping in wouldn't give her more time with her friends, it would do the opposite, actually.
So she dragged herself out of bed and headed down to the living room. Dream and George were already awake, but everyone else was still sleeping.
"Hey guys." Y/N said coming down the stairs. The boys nodded in return. She headed to the coffee machine, made a coffee and took a sip. Shuddering at the bitter taste, she grabbed the sugar and started adding it in. A spoonful. Another. And another.
"Woah Y/N, want some coffee with your sugar?" George joked.
"Shhh, children like sweet things." Dream reminded him.
"I mean you're not wrong..." Y/N replied, "but I don't like being called a child."
"Oh my god Tommy is rubbing off on you!" Dream exclaimed.
Almost as he was summoned, Tommy appeared on the staircase with Tubbo close behind him.
"I'm doing what now?" He asked, rubbing his eyes groggily.
"Being a bad influence." George stated.
"You sound like my principal." Tommy replied, not even joking.
"What? WHAT?" Dream shouted, wheezing.
"God you guys are so loud." Wilbur said, also appearing at the stairs with Niki beside him. "And it wasn't even Tommy this time." Niki added.
"This time." Y/N emphasized.

The 8 friends went out for lunch, for their last time they would in a while. They tried to keep up the joking, but everyone's mood was a little down. No one wanted to leave, but they couldn't stay there forever. So while they talked, nobody could shake the thought of everyone leaving from their minds.

Dream had enough of their moping.
"Ugh cmon losers, we're doing something fun." He said, and practically dragged them all out of the restaurant. He hopped in the van to take them on the last surprise of the trip. The car ride was quiet- too quiet. It was almost uncomfortable, and Dream rolled his eyes.

Not too long after, they pulled up to a big building.
"An arcade?!" Tommy cheered, grabbing Y/N by the arm and pulling her to a claw machine. Tubbo also joined them, and the two crowded around Tommy as he tried, and failed miserably, at getting a stuffed Minecraft creeper. After a few tries, Y/N rolled her eyes and pushed him out of the way.
"Watch and learn, bitch." She said, placing her hand on the joystick. She had a perfect drop, and got it first try.
"For you Mr Innit," she said, proudly presenting it to him, mocking what he said to her at the carnival.
"Not as cool as my vlog gun." He teased.
"Or my stuffed bee." Tubbo added.
"Hey, I got that for you Tubbo! You can't talk!" Y/N said back.

~~time skip: 1 hour~~

After playing what seemed like every single game in the entire place, it was time for them to go.
"But I don't want to go home!!" Y/N whined.
"Me neither, but it has to happen." Sapnap comforted.

They rolled up to the airport, and Dream and Y/N had the first flight, with Sapnap having one a few hours later.
"I guess this is goodbye." Y/N said, turning to give Tubbo a big hug, then Niki, Tommy, and Wilbur.
"I'm gonna miss you." Tommy whispered into her ear as he towered over her in a hug.
"Me too Tomathy."
She also gave hugs to Sapnap and George, two of her four big brothers.
"I'm going to miss you all." She said, a single tear running down her cheek.
"By Y/N!" They all chorused, coming in for a group hug. "And bye Dream!"
Their time coming to an end, the two walked off to catch their flight.

As Y/N sat on the flight, she looked out the window at England, watching it get smaller and smaller.

She pulled out her phone and looked at all the fun photos of the good memories.
**said photos for good vibes and for simps like me**

**said photos for good vibes and for simps like me**

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Gogy at the fair

Tommy pouting about being called a child at the beach

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Tommy pouting about being called a child at the beach

Tommy pouting about being called a child at the beach

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Tubbo being wholesome as usual at the beach

Tubbo being wholesome as usual at the beach

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Tommy in da tré

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Tommy in da tré

Wilbur vibing with dré

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Wilbur vibing with dré

Alright those photos were so cute 🥺 give this chapter a vote if you liked them <3

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