[6] Suck it Green Boy

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Y/N had blown up on Twitter overnight, seeing as how she had so fantastically killed Dream after he had spent so long laughing at her. In the process, she had gained followers, and she hit 100k on twitch, finally. As promised, today she was going to attempt to beat the speed run record, and she was determined to continue besting Dream.

Green Boy 🐸

Ready to watch my stream?
I'd assume you'd want to see
the moment you lose your record.

In your dreams.
pun intended.

Haha funny.
I assume that's a yes?

Fine. Don't take too long
though, I have better things
to do than watch a child
embarrass themselves.

I don't think you'll have
to worry about that :)

With that, she headed to Twitter to spread the word.

On today's twitch episode: Dream gets his hopes and dreams (and speedrunning record) crushed.

She started up her twitch stream and started preparing it to allowed her to focus. As much as she love her chat, she turned it off to prevent it from distracting her. She also turned off her donos, because they could be very distracting as well. She watched the viewers flow in, reaching the most she'd ever had 25,000. No pressure. She loaded up Minecraft, to show everyone the randomly generated seed and that cheats were off and it was set to normal difficulty. As the world was generated, she prayed for a good spawn.

She spawned in a dark oak forest, and she immediately punched a tree, gathering 6 wood before moving on into a cave, she made a crafting table, a wooden pick, and mined stone. She then made stone tools, and gathered iron. She then went on her way, exploring caves quickly as she went, gathering iron, and killing animals for food.
As she headed out of the forest, she spotted a village. Excited, she headed for it. She took beds (for use on the enderdragon later in the game), haybales (for food), and visited the blacksmiths shop, and was lucky enough to find iron and a flint & steel in there. She went on her merry way, and found a lava pool close to the village. In no time, she created a nether portal in the way she had practiced hundreds of times, and with no hesitation she stepped inside.

She spawned literally right beside the fortress. "Sweet!" she said. She could see the blaze spawner from the outside, so she knew exactly where to go when she entered.
In no time, she had gathered 8 blaze rods, which was more than enough. She headed back through the portal.

Once in the overworld she crafted two ender eyes with the pearls she had, and headed the direction of the fortress, happily killing endermen along the way.

When she arrived at the fortress, she had collected 3 more pearls during the trip, which left her with 5 eyes all together. Digging down, she hoped that the portal had some in it, or that she could find some eyes in chests. Y/N found the portal room with ease, and was overjoyed to find 3 eyes already in the portal, which meant that she only needed one more. She was lucky enough to find one pearl in a chest, and wasting no time she filled the portal and hopped through.

Everything was running smoothly, and Y/N hoped it would stay that way. She lined up her bow carefully, and shot each crystal down with practiced precision. The enderdragon came down, and she hit it with her sword repeatedly. She blew up a few beds next to it, dealing a great amount of damage. It flew up and away again, but Y/N kept shooting it in the head with arrows as it looked away. It finally came back down, and Y/N killed it with a final bed explosion.
"Yes!" She exclaimed, stepping into the exit portal. "Come on..." she said, urging it to load quicker. And then she was in! She stopped the timer as the credits ran on screen.

She turned her chat and donations back on, excited. It had honestly been a perfect run, and she couldn't have been happier.

She prepared herself to look at the time on the video. She was nervous, sure, seeing that she was literally on stream in front of now 30,000 people, but she needed to know. So she looked, confirming to herself what the chat already knew.


Y/N cheered, and her chat was filled with the POG emote. Her time beat Dream's by just under a minute, and beat the current world record holder (for unglitched random seed 1.9-1.15) by a whole 17 seconds. Which was a lot of time in the speedrun world.

Her chat started to become spammed with things like 'call Dream!' 'Rub it in his face' and 'you earned bragging rights!'. Y/N was all for the idea, and rang him up.

Green Boy 🐸

"Hi Dream" Y/N said, knowing that he was probably angry, knowing that he had watched the entire thing.
"I can't believe you actually did it!" he replied, sounding just a little upset.
"I told you not to underestimate me."
"I can't believe you beat me by a whole minute. You're literally a small child!"
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that."
"You are! I'm 7 years older than you!"
"Okay, I still beat you so..."
"Ugh fine, keep rubbing it in."
"Oh don't worry, I'm way ahead of you."


My record was just beaten by a little girl.
Liked by: @(y/n)islost and 45,000 others


@(y/n)islost: you better believe it 🥳
—>@tommyinnit: YEAH BITCH
——>@wilbursoot: SUCK IT GREEN BOYYY
———->@nihaachu: proud of you girly <3

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