[8] Manhunt

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Green Boy 🐸, Sippycup 🥤, Gogy 👓, GoodboyHalo 😇

"Hello?" Y/N said as she picked up the call.
"Hiii!!" Dream said. "You ready to film?"
"Yes!" George, BBH, and Sapnap said, and Y/N nodded her head. She quickly realized that they couldn't see her and were waiting for an answer. "Yes, sorry!" She said quickly.
"Alright," Dream said laughing. "Should we do a 2 vs 3 manhunt, or me vs 4 hunters? It's up to you Y/N!"
"I'm not sure, I don't mind." Y/N replied.
"Oh oh! We should get Twitter to vote!" BBH suggested.

What should our next video be with some special guests?
Manhunt: 2 vs 3 hunters
Manhunt: 1 vs 4 hunters

After a few minutes, Dream checked the polls.

2 vs 3 hunters [68%]
1 vs 4 hunters [32%]

"Guess you're teaming with me Y/N." he said, and she nodded excitedly.
"Sounds fun!" She still couldn't believe that she was doing a video with Dream, let alone playing on his team.

Dream sent them all the IP address for the server, and they logged on. As they stood waiting, Dream did his signature intro:

"In this video, me and Y/N try to speedrun Minecraft while being hunted down by three hunters. Will we defeat the enderdragon, or will they kill us first??

Also, according to YouTube statistics, only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed. So if you enjoy this video, please subscribe. It's free, and you can always change your mind later. Now, enjoy the video."

As he finished, Y/N sneakily walked away. She started mining trees, and Dream noticed her after a few seconds. They had spawned by an ocean, and Y/N quickly crafted a boat. Just as the other boys realized they were gone, she placed the boat, letting Dream hop in behind her, and rowed away, both of them laughing.
"Come back here!!" George shouted.
"Quick, get wood!" BBH instructed.

As Dream and Y/N rowed to land, she quickly made a wood pickaxe and gathered stone. She tossed three cobblestone to Dream to save him the materials and trouble of making a wooden pick. Traveling together, they explored caves, gathering coal and iron as they went. Once they had gathered 30 iron, they started making things with it. They made a bucket, iron swords, shields, and iron chest plates.

[Y/N has made the advancement: suit up]
[Dream has made the advancement: suit up]

"Guys they have armor already!!" George screeched.
"Let's go find them." Sapnap said, evilly.

Y/N and Dream travelled through the plains, looking for a lava pool. All of a sudden, George and Sapnap appeared behind them and started hitting them. Caught by surprise, the runners both towered up. George and Sapnap immediately began to do the same, chasing them up. Dream pulled out an old friend of his: the fishing rod. He began fishing the boys, trying to knock them off the towers.
"HEY!!" George screamed.
Dream succeeded in knocking both of them off, but they weren't high enough for them to die.
"IM LOW IM LOW!!" Sapnap yelled.
"GIVE ME FOOD!" George replied.
"COME HELP US BAD!!" Sapnap yelled.

While they were distracted, Y/N discreetly jumped off the back of her tower, using a water bucket to break her fall. Luckily, the guys didn't see her and she grabbed out her iron sword, and gave the boys two finishing hits.

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