Mortal Kombat Legends

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previously on STRIKE Force, the team now realized their mission to find all of the pieces of the siege perilous and they leaped into the portal sliding through the multiverse into a new world-

Deku: woah woah woah, what is this?

Ninja: This must be the wormhole we go through until we reach the new world.

Brawer: This is so cool. WOOOHOOO!

Wolf: What world do you guys think we'll land in?

Knight: Hopefully somewhere we can acquire a piece of the siege perilous.

Deku: Looks like we're coming up on the new world.

They all soon find themselves landed in a jungle at night...

Wolf: So, where are we?

Ninja: Looks like some kind of island. We should begin searching for the piece of the siege.

Deku: Alright the tracker says that it is-


Deku: What was that?

Knight: It's coming from over there.

They team go through the forest until across a man cutting down people in swat armor....

They team go through the forest until across a man cutting down people in swat armor

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They look around and see all of the dead people and think the same thing..

STRIKE Force: (thoughts) OH GOD

Brack Dragon: Please don't kill me.

The man is about to slash down but, ninja jumps in at the last second and stops his blade with his...

Ninja: Who are you and why are you doing this?

Scorpion: Scorpion and these guys are assassins who were trying to kill me.

Ninja looks at him for a minute and sheathes his sword...

Ninja: He's telling the truth about these guys.

Wolf: How do you know?

Ninja: You can tell when someone is lying by looking into their eyes.

Scorpion: Now, what are you kids doing here? You can't be in the tournament.

Knight: What tournament?

Ninja: Alright, to avoid any confusion we'll tell you are story and you tell us yours. Is that cool with you?

Scorpion: (Nods)

Deku: Well here it is...

Deku: Well here it is

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