august 15, 1969 - mid day

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diary of judy carver (DO NOT READ)
it's been how many days? a week? two? i can't be sure. all i know is that andy and i have had the best time in bethel.
for a small town, there are a ton of cool places to find. we've had some really good food, smoked a shit ton of weed, and even snuck into the occasional private garden (i've sneaked some poppies and i'm in the process of pressing them for andy - i hope he likes them!)
there's supposed to be a lot near the festival venue where the vans, RVs, etc. are camping out. that's where we're headed.
right after we pick up some cigs, of course.

judy pulled into the parking lot of the corner store, turning off the van. she grabbed her purse and gave andy a quick smile. "ready, freddy?" she asked.

freddy? andy began to sweat. has she completely forgotten my name? or have i forgotten mine?!
"erm... my name's andy."

judy giggled. "of course i know that, sugar," she assured, "it's just an american expression."

andy let out a sigh of relief as they got out of the van.

over the past week, andy and judy have gotten significantly closer. they were quick to call each other their best friend - partly because they were each other's only friends for a considerable amount of time. they complimented each other like poetry and the dust floating in the air of an old library.
it's unsure whether judy fell for andy first, or andy judy, but it was clear that they harbored feelings for each other that were far stronger than friendship. andy felt that his love for her was unspeakable. if he spoke it into existence, his words would hang in the recycled air of the van like asbestos, and the entire trip would be ruined.

still, though, he couldn't help the fluttering in is chest from rising whenever judy looked at him through her long eyelashes. she'd mutter something about how she needed new chapstick, she'd lick her lips, and andy would be completely done for. he was completely and utterly mesmerized by the way her sun dresses would hang off of her shoulders and billow behind her when she walked (and he compared her to the goddess aphrodite in his journal more times than he cared to admit).

he'd daydream about being closer to her. to touch her skin, to move her hair out of her face, and kiss her like he would never see her again. and when he'd get snapped out of his trance to judy asking him what kind if cigarettes he wanted, he'd know that she was far more than just a ride he hitched on a humid august night.

he stood behind judy at the counter as she placed her order. "can i get a pack of marlboro golds?" she asked.

the store clerk got the small box from a shelf and rang her up. "that'll be 31 cents," he said dejectedly.

judy reached for her back pocket and paled when she realized her wallet wasn't there. she turned to andy worriedly. "do you have your wallet on you by any chance?"

andy shook his head. "i left it in the van, i'm afraid," he said.

"shit," judy groaned. she turned back to the clerk. "i'll be right back, i need to get my wallet," she said.

"hey, i can take care of it," piped a voice from behind the couple. andy and judy whipped their heads around to see a tall, young woman wearing bohemian clothes similar to them. she had color-treated blonde hair and striking grey eyes, complimented with really nice cheekbones.

"oh, it's not a big deal, i can just-"

"don't worry about it!" the girl interjected. she placed the exact change on the counter.

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