Chapter 1

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No one's POV
This was probably the most boring lecture the class had ever heard, Aizawa was droning on and on about some kind of statistics, nobody really knew what since they lost interest early on. Most of the students were squirming around in their seats, anxious to leave and start the weekend. There were audible groans of boredom but Aizawa ignored them. As soon as Aizawa was finished with the lecture the final bell rang and the class was hastily packing up and heading out, well almost everyone. Kirishima was busily taking notes on the lecture. He was crouched over his notebook, not acknowledging the movement around him. He was so focused he didn't hear Denki calling his name, he only snapped out of it when he came over and poked him. Kirishima visibly jumped and almost fell out of his chair.

"Dude, you ok? I was calling you for like five minutes." Denki stated peering down at Kirishima who was finally packing up his stuff.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit distracted I guess." He stated as standing up and slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Anyway, me and the squad were headed out later and I came over to tell you. We are going to the arcade, so be prepared to lose. I'll win this time bro." Denki was visibly excited about going to the arcade and facing off with Kirishima on the first-person-shooter games, which he always loses, but loves them all the same.
"Mina and Sero are going too so all we need is for you convince Bakugou to go."

"Sounds like it would be super fun, but I can't go man. Maybe next time yeah?" Kirishima reluctantly stated, scratching the back of his head.

"Aw man, your loss dude. Catch you later then." Denki fist bumped Kirishima and ran over to the rest of the squad and they headed to the arcade. Kirishima smiled but sighed at the same time. He made his way to his dorm but before he reached the door someone spoke up behind him.

"Why didn't you go with those losers Shitty Hair? Don't you 'love' that place or some shit." Kirishima spun around and Bakugou was standing behind him with his arms crossed.

"O-oh hey dude. I just... have a lot to do right now, that's all." Kirishima sputtered out, shifting his weight from one foot to the other trying to look calm.

"Like I believe that shit for a second. You gonna tell me or am I gonna have to beat it out of you?" Bakugou walked closer unfolding his arms, seeming like he was about to fight Kirishima right then and there. "The longer you waste my time the less time you have to get to whatever it is you were sneaking off to, so you better tell me sooner rather than later."

"Ok ok fine. I just... I'm super stressed cause my grades are dropping, and I don't know why and if I don't get them up I can't go to my agency anymore until I get them fixed. I can't be a hero if I can't even keep my grades up, so I'm studying all the time even though I can't understand half of what I'm supposed to be learning." Kirishima shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "I would ask for help but I don't want to bother anyone, ya know?"

"Well you are bothering me complaining about your problems. I'll help you if you quit sulking, it's annoying." Bakugou remarks as he shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Really!? Thank you Bakubro, you're the best." Kirishima beamed as he caught Bakugou in a bone-crushing hug.

"Get off me shit head!" Bakugou yelled and Kirishima let him go and laughed. Bakugou just looked at him for a second before speaking again. "Well, we studying or not?"

"Right, your room or mine?" Kirishima pointed at both rooms and Bakugou shrugged so Kirishima just walked over to his room and Bakugou followed him in. They studied everyday for at least a week, preparing for the upcoming exam. Kirishima didn't go out with the rest of the squad that week just to make sure he was studying like he should be. Before he knew it, the exam day arrived. Kirishima couldn't sleep so he headed to where he takes out his stress, the gym. Since it was 4 in the morning he planned on going for at least an hour and then going back to his room to try and catch some sleep before the exam. He made his way down to the gym, but he didn't know that he wasn't the only one awake. He swiftly wrapped his hands and headed over to his stress reliever, the punching bag. He put his headphones on and started swinging. When he started to get into a rhythm he started humming along to his music, unaware he was being watched. Bakugou had arrived shortly after Kirishima but hadn't come to work out. He walked over to the bench and sat down watching Kirishima intently, not paying attention to the weights on the floor. He slammed his foot into a ten-pound weight, sending him tumbling into the rack where the rest of the weights were, resulting in a loud crashing noise and a string of curses from Bakugou. Kirishima heard the loud crash and whipped around to see Bakugou lying on the floor surrounded by weights and clutching his foot, cursing profusely. He rushed over to Bakugou to make sure he was ok.

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