The Woods

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The premise is cliche but oh well enjoy broskis

Oh, how I regret going to that reunion.

Walking down the dark hardly-visible path in the forest, the only sound that escaped me was a frustrated grumble. Why did I decide to come to this stupid thing anyway? Some stupid kind of high school reunion that, for some unknown reason, took place in the woods, like a camp. Ah yes, what a splendid way to spend my time, in tents with people I hardly cared about in high school and hardly care about now. If I find out who decided to host this in the forest, I swear I'm going to punch them for my current predicament, as I am wandering in the woods, completely lost. I had only got up to use the bathroom. I wasn't even that far from camp! So why now have I been walking down this seemingly-endless path for the past fifteen minutes? I'm almost convinced they moved camp while I was gone, but that was very unlikely, seeing as there were about twenty-five people who showed up, me heavily regretting the decision to do so.

I continued walking, the sound of leaves crunching and twigs snapping somehow, calming me. That is until a second pair of feet sounded behind me. I stopped. So did the other noises following me. At this moment, I wished I had brought a flashlight with me, but seeing as I was only trying to go to the bathroom, and the lights from camp had illuminated the surrounding area enough that I didn't need one. Although I admit, it was a little strange when I turned back around, all of the lights were out. Turning around, I was face to face with... nothing. There was nothing there. Confusedly, I walked towards where the sound last was, looking down, I saw indents in the ground, where I assumed something had been walking before they suddenly stopped. My heart began to speed up as I started sweating a bit more. I wasn't a superstitious person, so why am I feeling so afraid right now? Trying to will my nerves down, I called out.

"Abby? That you? I know you're there. You got me, haha." No response.

Abby was the only person I remotely knew anything about at this reunion, and, seeing as I'm closest to her, she decided I we were close enough for me to become victim to many of her pranks. They were happening all day, so naturally, I assumed this was her doing, following me only to hide as I turn around to scare me, well, it's working.

"C'mon, Abby, I know it's you, come on out and help me find my way back." No response.

I was getting antsy, my heart speeding up more, the sweat on my brow seemingly doubling since I first heard the steps echoing behind me. What is this feeling? I know I'm not in any danger, so Are these my internal instincts telling me something is wrong? Or is my body just going into overdrive because I'm lost in this cold, musty place? For a reason I cannot identify, I found it increasingly difficult to speak. I was terrified. But I don't know why. Forcing my voice to come out, along with several stutters and almost no sound coming out when I wanted it to, I was able to mutter a single sentence, man, Abby is so going to make fun of me when we get back to camp.

"...Fine then, I'm sure...You'll steer me back if I go...go the wrong way..." No response.

Against my better judgment, I turned back around and continued walking. As the sound of leaves and twigs snapping and crunching resumed, so did the other sound behind me. Except, this time, I paid no mind to it and kept walking. If Abby was going to be like this, then so be it, I'll ignore her. At least...I think it's Abby, she never responded, now that I think about it. Even with my brain yelling that it's just Abby trying to scare me, my heart wouldn't stop pounding. Every second my beating heart seemed to be getting louder until it rivaled the sound of the leaves crunching under my foot. I was sweating even more now. I can certainly say I don't enjoy sweating this much. Not at all. I kept following the path. Not even Abby could steer me off this path, I'm sure of it. Even if it doesn't lead back to the camp, it most likely leads to out of the forest. At least, that's what I'd like to think. Even as I walk this path endlessly, nerves going into super-drive and the echoing sound of someone walking behind me, the forest only seems to be growing denser.

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