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We all are known to the famous saying....

"Life is all about surprises and miracles!!" ✨

But the unexpected turns taken or given in our life...not always seems to be a surprise...for the commendable number of times...it seems to be a shock... major shock😦... which can just leave you in a thud, which breaks your heart into zillion pieces💔.... where you can just stay helpless😬... fighting hard to put the broken pieces into a whole. But knowingly or unknowingly...u can never do that easily... whenever you try to be strong...it will make you even more weaker😒...whenever you try to get over it....it will push you back again into that shallow cave which gifts you only the mere thought of Emptiness in everything you found!!!🙃

Here comes the point in life where your heart never come into terms with what's your brain saying repeatedly....you will obviously end up in the question of what life meant to be???🤔 You tirelessly work towards the path of finding the answer and eventually your brain gives you an answer... which your heart never gonna accept....so there you end up with the great dilemma again🙆

At this particular point...your heart need an escape into the world where nothing gonna remind you of the past... nothing... but the pause from everything happening around you!!🧘 On a good note... pause is healthy...in other words..the needed one at times to survive or fight back again!! But to remember.. it's just a distraction and never can be the solution!!🙍🤞

So thinking about what's next after the pause, as we knew it's just a distraction or to be exact, coming back to reality strike... the only solution we end up with is "ACCEPTANCE"🙂...To be honest... it's not that simple as the word sounds...it takes every ounce of patience in you to work out the solution we found!!! 😇

So let's have a very relevant example of how life works (according to me)...Life is usually compared with the deep ocean 🌊 in the context of many things accordingly....so lemme illustrate in a way I wanted to.... consider a deep blue ocean... with a man travelling in a a catamaran🛶....sometimes ocean offer hime with an enjoyable breeze... sometimes with the cold unbearable wind and sometimes with a short tide which is overlooked by him... sometimes a hurricane which can engulf him... So even though, he doesn't know....what ocean has kept in store for him...he moves deep into the ocean..in his very own catamaran...in a direction he desires... expecting what's next...towards nothing holding on to the hope of "I will survive"🤞

Here you can relate Life in a way to a deep blue ocean and a man travelling in a catamaran with you....we obviously don't know what life have kept in store for us as like the ocean.... sometimes it offers you with an enjoyable moment... sometimes with the moment that seems to be extremely intolerable.... sometimes a petty problem which don't even feel like a problem... sometimes with the one which can put u down like no tomorrow!!!But still we have to move on...🚶 without knowing where it is gonna take us actually (which is the most exciting part in this process between the birth and the death)... with our very own principles which we engrave in our heart!!!😊

Everything is fine...ocean as a life and a man with catamaran as u....but don't your brain ask this question to u right now??Yes... Exactly....this is the question...Do that man have control over the catamaran in which he travels??🤔 Any sensible person would answer YES to this question but taking it to the deeper context..does the flow of catamaran depends only on who's rowing... OBVIOUSLY NOT...it depends on the flow of the ocean too right??So does he have control over the flow of ocean??Again, OBVIOUSLY NOT..right??✌️The point I'm trying to convey here is..."you can't really control your life... instead you TRY TO CONTROL it"... unaware of the factor.."EVERYTHING DESTINED TO HAPPEN WILL HAPPEN!!"😇

Ok... moving on further...does the Almighty or whatever supreme power you believe that would change everything according to your wish doesn't really exist?? If this question is thrown on my face...my answer is YES, they do exist!! Do you find it irrelevant to my previous answer??So my answer to this final question will tell you the conclusion of this long annoyance I wrote!!! 😅

Let me explain by sticking on to the previous example here... Moving in a catamaran in a deep blue ocean is not at all easy or to be precise... not possible without a pair of paddle...You always need to hold on to the paddle to move further....So the paddle here exemplifies the supreme power you believe in!!✌️😇But...not to mention... holding on to the paddle doesn't mean... it's always gonna save you from every possible hurricane...ocean throws at u...it may or may not!!! So what significance paddle holds here is...it gives you the strength to fight every possible tide and to move further.... that's what actually your trust in Almighty or supreme power offers you with!! Just we hold on to it...to move further into this deep ocean of life...trying to survive or fight back every single tide life throws at you..regardless of short or long...shallow or deep...a simple one or life threatening!!!😊

To put into short note...."Life always stands unexpected... sometimes it's a surprise..😄 sometimes it's a shock...😲so try to accept whatever comes your way without making a strong conclusion of what holds in future!!🤗 Just Live the moment you are living right now!!✨ Don't try to reserve any moment and get hurt in that process!! Just let go of everything!!"🚶✨

Here's my first try on Wattpad!! Please do read and let me know your feedbacks in comments!!Hope it helps someone who are in need of some positivity ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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