~Chapter Two- In which they get a Roommate.~

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~Chapter Two- In which they get a Roommate.~

The hot sand underneath their feet glittered brightly under the sun. The sun was dizzy and the air was crisp, but even a half-wit could predict that it was going to be a hot day and an equally hot night.

Half crushed sea shells of various sizes, shapes and colours formed a bay on the sand.

The Six Senses got out of their car and rushed towards the majestic blue sea which crashed its turbulent waves on the sand in a lowly rumble.

"The feeling of cold water on this hot day!" Tina sighed as she removed her flip-flops and immersed her legs in the cold water which ebbed and flowed.

"It is so fucking good!: Dea exclaimed.

"I know, right?" Viyolin said as she did the same. "We need to go for a swim after we settle down." The party girl said.

"'After we settle down' being the keywords, Viyolin." Dhruv said as he walked towards Tina.

"Yeah, let's go inside first, eat something and come here around evening. We've been travelling since yesterday. We had just got down at one motel for the night and I am exhausted." Aarav said.

It was true. The road trip to Goa took almost 13 hours, so they had to stop for the night.

As they entered Viyolin's beach house, Dea being Dea hollered, "I call dibs on the smallest room because I am not sharing it with anyone."

She ran up the stairs, knowing the way as she had spent many holidays in this lovely beach house, previously owned by Viyolin's grandmother.

Viyolin looked at others and sighed. After getting a yes from everyone, through their eyes, she turned to Nikhil.

She had to do this. It is now or never.

"Nikhil, you will have to share your room with Dea." She said in one breath, by closing her blackeyes as she waited for Nikhil's reaction.


"Are you happy?" Aarav asked Viyolin as he put their suitcases in the wardrobe, deciding to unpack later.

Viyolin looked surprised as she saw her boyfriend of six months come towards her.

"Why would you ask that?" She asked, searching for the perfect dress.

"You've been quiet since yesterday. Just checking." He said and put up his hands in the surrender action.

Viyolin's black eyes twinkled as she looked at Aarav's forlorn expression, which he did a very good job at hiding.

She wrapped her arms around Aarav's neck and brought him closer to her, so that their noses were almost touching.

"I am fine. Now that I am here, I am feeling really fine." She whispered and kissed him on the cheek.

Aarav relaxed a bit and wrapped his arms around her torso. "Good." He mumbled.

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