11 → will brake for ducks

Start from the beginning

"To mom?" Liam questioned.

"Yes, and Scott. Maybe even Sheriff Stilinski," Emma remarked as she crossed her arms over her chest and standing tall. Liam quirked an eyebrow up at Emma's white lie, "I'm not telling the truth. I feel bad now." Emma muttered to herself. Emma wasn't one for lying. She liked honesty. Lately, she's been biting her tongue back, but she wanted to ask Liam honestly what was going on with him.

"Come on, Emma. I need to get ready for school," Liam told her as he reached for the door handle. Emma slapped his hand away. Liam pulled his hand back. He looked at her with a slacked jaw.

"I don't like to be pushy because you'll never tell me anything ever again. But I'm worried about you, and so is mom and dad," Emma stated. Liam knew that Emma was going to stand her ground, maybe not for long. They're going to have to move from this spot, but Emma was never going to stop asking.

"I'm fine, Emma."

"No, you're not! You're terrified. I feel it too. But I want to know what scares you so badly that you need to sleep in my room! In my bed!" Emma argued back. She had backed Liam into a wall with her words. He should know that he can't hide anything from Emma because she feels everything that he feels.

Liam opened his mouth, but a knock on the door interrupted Liam. The door began to open, and Emma moved out of the way; she stood by Liam. He was still holding his blanket in his arms. Their mother fully opened the door, shooting her kids a confused look, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes," Emma and Liam said at the same time, but Emma sent her brother a pointed look.

"Okay, I heard some arguing. Not your usual playful arguing. Just making sure you aren't ripping each other's hair out," Jenna commented playfully, she was trying to defuse the tension that was building up in Emma's room.

"We were just messing around – don't worry," Liam told his mother. He sent her a smile before walking out of the door. Emma dropped her arms back down to her side and lolled her head back in annoyance.

"You let him go," Emma pouted as her ears caught onto the sound of Liam's door shut. She was sure he locked the door to keep her out.

Jenna looked over her shoulder at Liam's closed door, "Were you holding him captive?" Jenna asked as she glanced back at her daughter.

"Only for like ten more minutes," Emma answered shyly, her fingers played with the drawstring of her pajama bottoms. Jenna tapped her nails on the wood door. As long as Emma and Liam weren't causing physical harm, and there weren't any tears, she let them deal with it themselves.

"I'm sure you can hold him captive after school," Jenna replied, taking two steps towards her daughter, and pressed a kiss on the top of her head. "I'm going to heat the muffins you made up. Do you want one?" Jenna said as she stepped out of the doorframe, entering the hallway.

"Of course, I do," Emma said as she followed her mother out of her room.

Liam and Emma didn't speak the whole way to school about their argument this morning, mostly because Mason sat next to Liam on the school bus, leaving Emma alone a few seats ahead of them. They walked together towards the school with Mason, who was chatting away about his weekend.

"Hey, I'm heading to the library to pick up a book for English," Mason commented, pulling Emma from her thoughts, which were about how to approach Liam the right way, without having to hold him captive. Mason being the good friend he was, could sense the tension radiating off of the two twins. This only happens once in a blue moon, so he was trying to get one of the twins to go with him to figure out what was going on.

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