03 → bestiary

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When the twins got home, they were met with their mother glaring at them with her hands of her hips. Their mothers glare stopped them in their tracks, she had taken in their appearance, and the twin both entered their house in socks. Plus Emma had left the house in different clothes, and came back with a blue dress she'd never seen before.

Liam stuttered out a lie that 'his leg was feeling better so they told Mrs. McCall and she discharged them, and she said that she would let their step-father know. They waited for the bus but it was running late'. Basically, their mother didn't believe but she decided to let it go.

Once they were upstairs before they departed into their rooms, they both agree to keep whatever the hell happened tonight, a secret between them.

Now it's the next morning and Liam had the bright idea to walk to school instead of taking the school bus. He failed to mention that walking to school, meant that he was going to run the whole way to school. Emma struggled to keep the pace up behind him the whole time, Emma was not a runner she was not one for cardio. Liam seemed so far ahead of her that she thought she would never catch up to him.

Until the clouds opened up and the light shined through, meaning Liam finally stopped next to Mason. Leaning his body onto the pole next to their best friend. Liam was panting loudly, while Emma walked up to them breathing heavily. Her face was a light shade of red, but her face was full of annoyance. It was a rare sight to see, sure Emma got annoyed a few times, but she never showed it to her friends.

"Hey. Liam, why weren't you on the bus?" Mason asked Liam, Emma bent over and placed her hands on her knee's trying to catch her breath. From this moment on Emma will only run if she's being chased, or any other life-threatening emergencies. She'll not be running for fun, or if her brother decides to run to school.

"I ran" Liam answered his friend innocently.

Mason's eyebrows furrowed as he stepped towards his two friends. "You ran three miles to school?" Mason quizzed.

"He said he wanted to walk to school. Then all of a sudden he took off and started running," Emma huffed out between short breaths. It was quite clear now that the events of last night were getting to him, Emma could see it all over his face, not only that she could feel how panicked he felt. "I'm not a very big fan of 'walking' to school, I think I'm okay with taking the bus."

Mason chuckled at Emma's comment, "So I guess your leg's okay?" Mason said as he looked down at his best friend's leg. Emma was too focused on keeping up with her brother, she didn't have a second to think about the fact that he's running perfectly fine on his 'bad leg'. Liam just panted heavily in response, "What happened to your arm?"

Emma's eyes widened, she looked over at Liam before she answered for him, he just breathed heavily, his body leaning on the pole, "Um, my cat scratched him" Emma lied, oh shit that was a bad lie. She didn't have a cat, and she knew for a fact that Mason knew she didn't own a cat. If she told him the truth about what happened last night, Mason would think they were crazy.

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