Wrath Part 3-Boruto's New Jutsu!

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Narrator POV:

Boruto and Kawaki were transporting Gaara back to the hideout silently when Boruto broke the silence

Boruto:Well that went well, I'm surprised we didn't have to fight anyone

Kawaki:Well don't jinx it for us, the sand village probably realized that there Kage is gone we're most likely being followed

Boruto:And aren't you worried?!

Kawaki:Well... no

Boruto:And why not, there could be high level Jonin after us, are you sure we can handle them

Kawaki:If you can't fend off a few jonin then maybe your not ready for this kind of mission

Boruto:Of course I can fight a few jonin, I'll send em straight to hell!

Kawaki:Well I hope your right, cause there actually are a few following us

Boruto:(Sigh)Aww man...

Sasuke POV:

We have been walking for 7 hours in a comfortable silence when I decided to ask her how the village was doing while Boruto was gone.

Sarada:It's been terrible, Hinata and Himmawari both cry every time someone brings up his name, Naruto has been really quiet and I haven't been feeling well lately either

Sasuke:I see, don't worry Sarada we'll get him back and destroy Kara once and for all, I promise

Sarada:Thank you papa

Sasuke:Don't worry about it

Narrator POV:

Sasuke and Sarada go on walking for a few more hours and finally reach the Sand Village only to find it in chaos, Sasuke stops an old woman and asks her what's happening

Old woman:Someone took the lord Kazekage!

Sasuke:Thank you, please find Konkuro and tell him to meet me at the Kazekage office

Old woman:Ok I will

Sasuke POV:

Naruto was right, Kara is after the Jinchuriki, it's the Akatsuki all over again

I can't let this happen, I need to talk to Konkuro and find Boruto before he does something he regrets.


Narrator POV:

Boruto and Kawaki stop walking for a while and prepare for a fight

Boruto:There closing in get ready!

Kawaki:I should be telling you that!

Just then in the distance they spot a few Sand ninjas running after them

Boruto starts charging towards them

Boruto:I will show you the true power of Boruto Uzumaki!

Kawaki:Wait Boruto!

Boruto ignores Kawaki's warning and starts fighting the Jonin anyways, he dodged, punched, and kicked all of the Jonin and even took a few out, but he realized that they will only keep coming, and so he charges up his chakra and prepared to release his most powerful Jutsu.

He gathered all of his lightning nature into his hands and compressed it into a little ball and threw it at one of the Jonin.

It took out that Jonin right before exploding killing everything in that area

Boruto:I call that move Lightning release Super Nova!

To Be Continued...

Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, by the way is there anyone who literally waits every weekend for this series because if so then that's amazing 😁😁

RougeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora