Boruto Vs Sarada Teaser

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Boruto and Sarada are standing in the middle of a field in the Forrest, both ready for the inevitable

Boruto: I'm leaving Sarada, you can't stop me

Sarada:(Angry) I won't let you leave Boruto, even if I have to break every bone in your body and drag you back!

Boruto: You just don't get it do you Sarada, I HAVE to leave, you wouldn't understand

Sarada:Then help me understand, Please!

Boruto: (Sigh) Orochimoru says he has great plans for me Sarada

Sarada: Like what!

Boruto then proceeds to create a rasingan  in his hand

Boruto: You don't need to worry about that

Boruto starts charging towards Sarada with intentions to kill

Sarada: Ahhhh!

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