'Kai! Kai!'

It was a woman's voice

'Can you hear someone shouting you?' Ali asked.

'Hmm?' He turned around to look where the voice was coming from. They both saw a woman walking towards them, waving. Ali didn't recognise her face, but Kai seemed to know her.

'Who is it?' Ali asked, but before Kai could answer her, the woman was standing in front of them.

'Oh my God, Kai! It's so good to see you.'

She was about Kai's age, slim, with a short dark bob haircut. She wore denim shorts that showed most her ass cheeks and a bra top, which didn't do much to hide her generously proportioned boobs. There was something about her that Ali disliked straight away.

'It's good to see you too Beth.' Kai looked awkward and uncomfortable. He either didn't want to see her, or just not whilst Ali was there. The two shared an awkward hug. There was silence for a moment as the two looked at each other. Ali suddenly felt like she was intruding.

It was Kai who broke the silence. 'Beth  this is my girlfriend Ali. Ali, this is my...this is Beth.'

Ali assumed by the way Beth had been introduced without title, that she was an ex.

'Good to meet you Ali,' said Beth, then completely dismissed her and started looking at Kai again. 'How long has it been Kai?'

'Probably just over a year.'

'Yeah, it must be. I miss having you around.'

Ali thought that was an inappropriate thing to say in front of his new girlfriend. Maybe she was doing it deliberately to intimidate her.

Kai changed the subject. 'Who are you here with?'

Beth ignored his question, then turned to address Ali for the first time.

'I'm glad he's met someone. When we were together things were such a huge mess. I'm sure things will be different with you.'

She was clearly telling Ali they'd been together to put her mark on him, to let her know she'd been there first. Kai looked annoyed.

'We should go,' he said, turning to Ali.

'Already?' said Beth. 'After all this time you haven't got time for a quick drink with your ex?'

'Maybe later. We're meeting some friends. I don't want to be late.'

'I'm sure they can wait half an hour.'

'Goodbye Beth.'

She shrugged and conceded. 'All right then, maybe see you later on.'

She kissed him on the cheek, then went to kiss Ali. As she did, she whispered in her ear, 'I hope he treats you better than he did me.'

Although it was a whisper, she made sure it was loud enough for Kai to overhear.

She gave them both a sickly sweet smile, turned and walked away.

'Wow! She's really something,' said Ali.

'Yeah,' said Kai.

Beth had meant her parting comment to cause disruption between them, but Kai had already told her about his past.

'She's the one you lived with?' asked Ali.


'The one you cheated on?'

'Yeah. I was a different person then. I wasn't really ready to settle down and I'd just started dancing. I was getting a lot of attention.'

'You still get a lot of attention when you dance now.'

'Yeah, but I've also grown up a lot since then.'

'It's okay, I know. You told me all about it?'

'So we're cool?'

'Of course.'

They carried on walking. Ali hated herself for it, but there was a niggling doubt in her head. Kai had been acting strange all day. Was it just a coincidence that they'd bumped into each other again now? The two of them had spent the night apart last night. Maybe that wasn't because he was working. Maybe the two of them...stop it Ali, she told herself. She knew she had one of the good guys. Beth had meant to put doubt in her mind and Ali wouldn't let it happen.


Jess wanted donuts. It was only 11am, but it was a special day, so Sam and Michael decided to let her have them.

'I'll get these,' said Ocean. He wanted to treat her.

'You sure?' said Michael.

'Of course. There's a van over there selling them.' He pointed across the park. 'Come on Jess, let's go.'

Her face lit up. As much as she'd been begging for them, she didn't actually believe she'd be allowed to have them at this time.

'Yay!' she shouted. Ocean took her hand and they ran off to the stall, Michael and Sam trailing along behind.

Jess was already tucking into the first one before Sam and Michael caught up.

'What do you say Jess?' said Sam.

'Thank you O-tun.'

He melted everytime she called him that.

'You're welcome sweetheart.'

Sam smiled. It felt good being here with the three of them, like it was the most normal thing he'd done in a while. He looked around him, taking in the atmosphere of this perfect day.

That's when he saw him...Milo.

It was the first time Sam had seen Milo since he'd broken up with him. He was talking to a young guy who Sam didn't recognize. He watched them for a moment, as the young man leaned in and kissed Milo. It was clear they must be more than friends. Sam felt a twinge of jealousy inside his chest.

Milo looked over and their eyes met and locked.

Ocean saw Sam staring at something in he distance, so turned around to look. He saw Milo. Sam had told him everything after it was over. Ocean knew who Milo was because he was friends with Jack.

'Shall we go and look round the fairground,' said Ocean, trying to get Sam away from Milo.

'Yeah,' said Sam, breaking away his look. 'Let's go.'

Author's Note

I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I'm working hard trying to turn this into a series of books right now, so a lot going on.

If you enjoyed, please consider giving me a like or comment.

Stay safe x

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